The Plan for Revealing Them?!?!?!

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I wake up to Poseidon shaking me awake. "What happened?" he asked? I replied with "Flashback". Zeus was still staring at me like I grew 7 heads. He was also stuttering "Hu-wha-how?"

I snort at that. I continue "So, I will keep a close watch on them. Whenever any of them tries anything, I will find out. Besides, I have a plan to reveal them to the camp. This is how I will do it ...

⏲Next day

I went to the idiot, who was sitting next to Annabeth and said "I am tired of you acting like you are more powerful than me, so I challenge you and Annabeth to a duel. If you lose then you gotta shut up about how 'great' you are. If I lose then I reveal myself. Deal?" While holding my hand out.

He responded with

 I said "Good. The Arena in an hour, k?" Then walked of. I knew very well he was gonna cheat, so aster going into my cabin, I went invisible and followed him quietly. He walked over to the Posiedon cabin and, after looking around, hid behind it. 

A few moments later, Annabeth walked in and said "So, what are you gonna do to cheat against him? Chad replied with "He wont know the fact that I will use powers. This is gonna be a non - power fight, so he will not use any powers. I will use the fake Posiedon powers and my true End powers. He won't know what hit him."

Both now grinning evilly, they went to the respective cabins.

⏲One hour

As I walked to the Arena, I saw him, again, holding a huge sword that did not suit him and too big armor. He smirked as I entered. We got into our stances. His, of course, Would make the grumpiest man on Earth cry tears of laughter. Annabeth's armor was more sensible.

I immediately silently created a transparent and powerful shield. As I expected, they attacked me using their End powers. But their power, against the most powerful being in the universe's power, did nothing.

(When Percy absorbed End's powers, which were the same as Chaos's powers, made Percy's power double than Chaos's power(Sorry about using a lot of power words.).)

Then I simply disarmed him using the old technique Luke taught me on both, as both were too tired too move from using too much power. Then I said while lifting both their hands and removing the mist around them .....

10484 Reads 124 Votes 84 comments?!?!?! What? How? Anyway thank you guys for that! sorry bout this cliffhanger. I'll be posting the next chapter soon.

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