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Mia Brown was laying down in her bed, comfortable in her blanket. Watching some movies on the tv, she had gotten a text from her best friend Ricky Bowen asking her if he could come over. She automatically said yes.

        Mia heard some noises coming for her window. Opening the curtain to see Ricky standing there. His eyes were red, full of tears, and his face red as a tomato. He had his skateboard and other belongings.

       As  he came inside her room, she noticed his heavy breathing. Mia held his hand and tried to get him to calm down. " Hey, listen to be, ok. Take a deep breath in and breathe out". Ricky nodded his head as he took a breather to calm down.

     " Can we just sit down for a bit?" his voice said. " Yes, Of course". As Mia held his hand and led him to her bed to lay down. He angled himself to where his head rested on her head. They stayed like that for a while, After Mia broke the silence.

      " Would you like to talk about it?" She asked. "She told me she loved me, and I didn't say it back. A-and I told her we should go on a break since she is going to camp for a month" Ricky said, sounding defeated, Mia has never seen him like this. She knew everything about Ricky's and Nini's relationship.

       "Do you love her back?" "I-I don't know M. I don't even know what love is. I thought I knew but then I saw my parents. My mom is barely home, my parents don't even sleep in the same bed and anymore. I don't want to put my feelings out there knowing that could happen." " I understand that Ricky, I think you did the right thing asking for a break, It will give time for both of you to think, You're still young, you have time to think. And you still have me and Big Red to help you with anything and you know that".

   Ricky hugged Mia and stayed there for a few seconds so he could show his appreciation. " Thank you M" Ricky said. " You are so welcome Ricky, You know you can rely on me I will always be there to help you". After the hug, they both laid down in bed, Mia resting her head in his chest, she noticed Ricky started to calm down so she started talking.

    "Remember that time in 4th grade, we were in the swing and we had a competition of who could jump the furthest but, your pants got stuck in the swing so when you jumped your pants ripped and your mom had to come pick you up". Mia laughed, while Ricky's hand was covering his face.

    "You really know how to cheer a guy up huh, well two can play that game" Ricky responded. " Remember that time in middle school when you tripped over the stairs and you almost did a backflip." Ricky wheezed, his face started to turn pink because he laughed so much.

      Mia pushed Ricky and stood up from her bed, trying not to laugh too much but she couldn't contain her laugh. As she stood up Ricky said " No you don't" and grabbed her and pushed her back in the bed and hugged her around her waist.

     They both stopped for a second and just stayed hugging each other. "Thank you again M, for everything". He said breaking the silence. "Ricky, can I be honest with you" Mia asked him "Of course you can, always" Ricky said " I also need some comforting" Mia said letting out in a soft and sad voice.

      "What is it" the boy asked her. " I know this horrible timing and I am so sorry but I really miss my mom. I just want to know what was the real reason she left me and my dad." Saying this with a very low and sad voice. "I get it, I know you miss her but sometimes people are just... not meant to be" Ricky told her.

    "Hey Ricky?" She said " Yes?" Ricky responded. "Can you make me a promise. After we graduate and grow up, can you please not forget about me." She said looking up at him with sad puppy eyes. " If you actually think that I could ever forget about you, you are truly. I am sorry but you're stuck with me babe." Ricky said. " You're the best Ricky" Mia laughs while making eye contact, and her eyes start slowly to get tired.

    "Hey,Ricky, we should go to bed, it's kind of late," she told him. "I agree I am getting kind of tired". He responded. "Goodnight Ricky" Mia told him. "Night M" Ricky responded.

Hi :) this is my first time writing a story sorry if its really bad. I am just doing this for fun.
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