1. Ginger Butterflies (Y3P1)

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Katrina and the Weasley's had been staying at the Leaky Cauldron for a day or two now. The Weasleys had just returned from Egypt, and Katrina begged her father to let her stay there with them for a few days, since she hadn't seen them in what she described as "an eternity".

Katrina was in George's room with one of her new school books, her hair tied up in a sloppy ponytail, she pushed a strand of it behind her ear as she turned a book in her hands. "How the bloody hell am I supposed to open this thing?" She mumbled, fiddling with her copy of "The Monster book of Monsters".

George laughed from his bed, "I dunno, maybe try untying it?"

"Okay, but the thing seems alive, genius! Maybe it's tied up for good reason!" She snipped back. "If I get eaten it's your fault!"

"Oh come on, darling, that won't happen, just try it." The ginger purred, egging her on. His hair was more grown out this year, shaggier than it was before, and to her surprise, Katrina actually liked it like that...a little. He'd also gotten much taller since the last time she'd seen him, which, she admittedly didn't like.

She blushed slightly at the nickname, and her heart performed a small flip in her chest. She shoved it away, telling herself to 'chill out'. Over this summer, she seemed to have... well, developed a crush on George Weasley. She talked to Fred about it one night in a letter, and he sent back, : "LUPIN HAS A CRUSSSSHHH ON MY BROTHHHHER!" He sent it in a damn howler, of all things. Which was embarrassing enough, and she thanked Godric her father hadn't been home when she'd received it. After that, though, she had to practically beg him to not tell George. For one, she was embarrassed. And for two, she didn't think by any means he felt the same, and didn't want to mess up their friendship or make things... weird. But trying to hide it just made all the butterflies, as she'd figured out, worse.

"Fine" She grumbled, tugging on the rope. The book cover immediately began to snap when released, and she dropped it to the floor so quickly one would think it made of fire. Book pages began to fly everywhere and it moved on it's own across the ground, seemingly snarling as it did so. "SO MUCH FOR NOT EATING ME!" She jumped onto the bed, pulling her legs up as she swatted George's arm.

"Rina, it didn't eat you, it just started to snap it's big scary jaws and move around." He said with a playful smirk, glancing over at her the words left his mouth.

"Same difference."

"You're overreacting."

"Oh? You catch the bloody monster then!" She turned to glare at him, but he only raised an eyebrow as if he'd just been issued a challenge, or as if she'd just proposed a dare.

"Catch the monster?" He asked.

"That's what I said." She rolled her eyes at him. "Jeez, Weasley, can't you hear? You'd think you had half-capacity hearing or someth-" She was interrupted when he pounced on her, rolling on top of her with his hands around her waist, making her squeal and grab at the sheets a bit, not expecting him to, well... Do that.

"Caught the monster!" He beamed proudly, laughing as she squirmed under him.

She flushed and attempted to push him off, hands under his chin while she shoved his face up towards the ceiling. "George! Not funny!" She yelled, squeezing her eyes shut, "I meant the book!"

"You didn't clarify! And if we're being honest, you're a monster too, Lupin." He joked, pushing himself up on his arms above her, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Maybe next time, ask, 'Georgie~ can you pleeeeeeeeeease get the big scary book for me?'"

She pouted as he mocked her voice, her face growing a darker shade of red as she noticed, finally, that the dorky teenager was literally hovering above her, and how this might look to anyone else. She prayed Fred didn't walk through the door, she'd never hear the end of it. "As if I'd ever ask you like that, and my voice is NOT that high and squeaky!"

Riddikulus: A George Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now