5. Candy Sleepovers (Y3P5)

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Ron still seemed ticked with Katrina on their visit with Hermione to Hogsmeade, but as soon as she took him to buy candy and promised him butterbeer he seemed to forget all about the whole situation with the boggart.

"Seriously, food is the only way to this man's heart." She said, joking with Hermione as they stood in line at the candy shop, Ron right in front of them with a handful of Katrina's galleons.

"He never stops eating, I don't see how food couldn't win him over." She retorted playfully, watching as he dumped the handful of gold coins on the counter to pay for everything he'd picked. Hermione and Katrina paid for their small bag, and the trio made their way out onto the street. They were heading to Three Broomsticks for Ron's promised butterbeer when the twins caught up to them.

"And where are you three headed to?" Fred asked, plucking a piece of candy right out of Ron's hands before sticking it into his mouth.

George took Katrina and Hermione's bag and snatched a piece for himself, "Your guys' first year here, and you go right for the candy. Predictable."

Once Ron realized George was with them alongside his twin, he looked over at Katrina, and was immediately met by a glare.

"Ron wanted to go in, and I promised to buy him candy and butter beer since he was being a grouch." Katrina explained, reaching up and taking her bag back from George.

"Oh really?" George hummed from behind the lollipop now in his mouth.

"We were just headed there!" Fred mused, almost winking at Katrina, and she knew then that they had not been planning on it.

"Mind if we join you three?"

"Not at all!" Hermione beamed, earning looks from both Ron and Katrina. So, their butterbeer for 3 turned into butterbeer for 5.

Fred sent George ahead to get them a table, and the whole lot of them turned to Katrina after he was out of range.

"So." Fred said with a cheeky grin, "Just so you know, Georgie knows, though he still doesn't buy it completely. But if you seriously still don't think he fancies you, you're mad. Hermione and I have been telling you for ages."

"Shut it, will you? The whole bloody school knows, and I would like to get some butterbeer in peace, for now. Maybe things can just for once run their course without being.... I... uncomfortably pushed? Or something?"

As it turned out, George and Katrina ended up sitting across from each other and exchanged awkward glances while they thought the other isn't looking... The entire time, and she could've sworn she heard Ron gag at one point, before he let out a muffled yelp because Hermione kicked his shin as hard as she could and Fred elbowed him.

But eventually, the pair got to talking like normal, and it seemed, for the moment, that neither of them were bothered by it, but that, for the time being, they were going to ignore it. It wasn't exactly what Katrina had been hoping for, but she supposed it's better than him being weirded out by her boggart and the two ceasing to be friends. Which eased most of the anxieties she'd been bottling up.


Students were rushed into the Great Hall to sleep for the night, and it was full of cots and blankets lined up in rows. Katrina had no clue what was going on, and ran over to Harry, Hermione, and Ron as soon as she spotted the three of them. "What's happening?" She was already in her pajamas, her hair down and framing her face.

"Sirius Black." Harry said, "Apparently he's in the castle."

Katrina felt a pang of excitement, rather than fear, but did her best to hide it, knowing that's the opposite of how she's meant to react to a 'murderer' being loose in the same area they live for the school year. "I'm glad to see you're okay, if he is here somewhere." She said with a small smile, pushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

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