7. Fleeing Wolves (Y3P7)

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Katrina helped Ron back up and out of the tunnel, and made sure he was okay before she walked up to Sirius and Harry.

"You could come live with me, yknow. I mean, me, Remus, and Katrina, I'd understand if you want to stay with-" Sirius was speaking.

Before he was cut off by an excited Harry, "Live with you! When?"

"Soon as I get my name cleared." He said with a warm smile, looking over as Katrina walked up to them. "Oh my dear, how you've grown. You're what, 13?"

"14, I turned in December." She responded with a smile.

"So," Harry tilted his head, "You knew her as a baby?"

"Yes," Sirius laughed, "I was friends with her father at the time he learned about the pregnancy. He'd broken up with the muggle woman a few months before she said anything.. But he still wanted to be there, and I supported him as a friend at first.. before Remus and I started dating... again.. the woman died in childbirth, and he took her, and the two of us raised her together for the first 10 months or so..."

"Not that I have any actual memory of that." Katrina rolled her eyes slightly, in a joking manner, as she looked up at the castle with the two of them, Sirius seemed to frown, and she immediately felt bad. She didn't have time to apologize.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled, eyes on the full moon.

Sirius and Katrina's moment was immediately broken, and the two rushed over to Remus.

"Remus, my love, did you take your potion tonight?" Sirius asked, placing one hand gingerly on his arm.

Katrina gulped as Remus struggled to shake his head no, beginning to transform. And Pettigrew, taking in the situation, noticed the wand trembling in the Professor's hand.

"Run, all of you, now." Sirius warned, wrapping an arm around Remus as he pressed his mouth to his ear, "You know the man you truly are, Remus, flesh is only flesh." He whispered, trying to get through to him as he pounded on his chest, "This heart is where you truly live! This heart! Here!"

Remus's wand dropped as he began to transform, and Pettigrew leaped. Harry tried to disarm him before he can accomplish anything, but after the wand is knocked away, Peter had already begun transforming back into a rat, and had the audacity to give Harry a cheeky little wave as he did.

A howl pierced through the air, and all of the kids whirled around to see Remus, fully transformed, he shrugged off Sirius easily, and then. ..

"There you four are, when we get ba-" Snape started, before spotting Remus. "Out of the way." He said, attention immediately on him, he pushed the kids back as he pointed his wand, ready to cast a spell. Everything happened so fast and the kids still had yet to listen to Sirius, and stood there in shock as they watched everything unfold.

He didn't have time to cast any sort of spell, because another wolf, Sirius—who'd transformed again—leapt onto Remus, who was a fully transformed werewolf, from seemingly midair. The two began to fight and Katrina and Harry called out in worry when they heard a yelp of pain from Sirius. The werewolf easily flung him off into the tall grass, and out of sight. Harry took off after him, and Katrina tried to, but Snape caught her arm and held her back with a firm grip.

Harry saw Sirius's wounds and panicked slightly, before he picked up a thick branch and hurled it at the werewolf, who turned on him. In a heart-wrenching moment, it seemed as if it was going to attack Harry, and everyone watched in complete silence, until another howl broke the night, this one not from the werewolf, but somewhere deep in the forest. The werewolf took off and Katrina sprinted forward the moment Snape let his arm drop from hers, rushing to Harry and Sirius's side. They were by a lake, Sirius fully a man again and covered in wounds .

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