8. Flying Boots (Y4P1)

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Katrina was rushing down the stairs after she'd waken Harry and Ron up alongside Hermione, and was about to continue on down towards the kitchen—which was producing delicious waves of smells, like bacon, biscuits, eggs—before she stopped.

"Katrina? What is it?" Hermione asked, raising an eyebrow at her friend, who was startled when she stopped in front of her.

"I'm going to go wake up the twins, you go get breakfast." She laughed, smiling at her before she walked down the hall to Fred and George's room.

Another whole summer had passed them by, and Katrina had just arrived at the Burrow this morning, dropped off by her father not even a half hour ago so she could go to the Quidditch World Cup with the Weasleys. She'd visited quite a few times, but often only for a weekend.

She snickered as she snuck into the boys' room, opening the door as quietly as she could. She slowly pulled her wand out of her pocket, approaching George's bed. She held it out, ready to douse him, and ripped the covers back only to find it empty. She stood up straight, confused, and turned around just in time to feel herself shoved onto the mattress with arms wrapped around her waist and a huge weight on top of her.

She screamed and held her arms out to catch herself, but to no avail. She tumbled onto the bed, face first.

"Not trying to pull something this early in the morning, are you, Lupin?" George asked with a laugh, his mouth right by her ear. She flushed slightly and squirmed in his grip, attempting to push him off.

"Oh she has her wand out." Fred pointed out. He walked over and picked it up from the ground, from where she'd dropped it when she was grabbed. "Georgie, I think she was trying to prank you to wake you."

"No I wasn't." She said, lying through her teeth as she finally shoved George off of her. "That's a lie."

"Why'd you have your wand out then?" Fred asked, holding it up out of her reach.

She glared at him, "I-"

"Aww would you look at that? You didn't even come in prepared with an excuse!" George purred, leaning over her after he stood back up.

"Why- How did you two even know-"

"We were already awake." Fred said casually with a shrug, sitting back on his bed and playing with her wand in his hands.

George nodded in agreement, "We'd just finished getting ready when we heard you and Hermione in the hall. If you're going to try and sneak up on people, at least try to be quiet about it, love. We hid before you came in. Simple."

"Oh shut up." She mumbled with a huff. She walked over to Fred and snatched her wand from him, stuffing it in her pocket. "Nice to see you two too, by the way. It's only been near a month." She rolled her eyes as she walked over to the door and picked up a sock, flinging it at George, "Your mother says breakfast is ready, by the way. So get your asses downstairs, would you?"

George caught it with a smirk and gave her a mock salute. "Yes ma'am."

She rolled her eyes and made her way down the stairs before she sat down at the table beside Hermione. The other female just an eyebrow at her as she began to her food.

"What?" Katrina asked.

"Well, did you get them up?" She said it as though it was obvious what she wanted to know.

"Nah." George interjected, bounding down the stairs. "We were already up, heard every word you two said in the hallway." He grabbed a plate and sat down next to Katrina.

"Yeah," Fred laughed, "You two can't whisper to save your lives."

Hermione scoffed as she looked at them, "Yes we can!"

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