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Authors notes will be in italics and bold. If there are any grammatical or spelling errors please be nice I'm dyslexic and struggle with spelling. Updates everyday. This is only a short story so there is only seven chapters.

In this story Harry and Draco are together and have four children James is 6, Scorpius and Lily are 4 and Evans is 1. James and Lily Malloy-Potter will have II next to their names after adult James and lily are introduced.

Also Teddy has a twin sister known as Hope or Andie and they are actually Remus and Sirius's children as in the department of mystery's Sirius got hit and ended up in a coma which he awoke from in April 1998 due to Remus being so upset and causing a magical surge which Sirius added to. As there was no where for the excess magic to go it made Teddy and Hope.

This also made a big break through in gay parenting as they could now have biological children. Also with that genetics are different if either of you parents or grandparents have a trait you can have it to even if it's not likely to happen such as Lily having red hair. Also Teddy and Hope are metamorphmaguses metamorphmgi?
I don't know what the plural is 🤷🏼‍♀️.

If you don't like don't read thank you and I hope you enjoy Beany.

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