|A Fresh Corpse|

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Pieces of black flesh and fluid burst into the air. It formed a thick mist that surrounded Ross and Alnorite. Alnorite created a shield around them as it charged towards them. It banged dully with each strike. "Give it some time. It's going to go soon." A loud screech pierced their ears as the mist faded into thin air. Ross's heart slowed down as the screams died down. For a second, he thought that the mist would break the shield. He turned to Alnorite. "What did he mean by 'I'm famous in hell?'"

"You're quite nosy in their business, that's what he means." #Alnorite dusted his hands on his robe. Ross turned to Alnorite. "How do we clean this up?" "I have my ways." For a moment, Tyra's mess twitched. Alnorite struck at it again with a beam of light. "He's not fully dead yet. All he needs to regenerate faster is a human with an evil heart...or another evil. There's something else we need to attend to. Let's go." As Ross followed Alnorite, he flipped out his notepad and started writing.

In his room, Chu watched Napoleon flip a large wooden table. "I guess your plan...didn't work." He sneered at Napoleon, who ripped off one of the table's legs. "Useless bastard! That was my best lackey!" Napoleon ripped another leg and bashed the table with it. Splinters landed on the floor. "That was a good table. You could have killed a child there." Chu sneered at his angry master.

"I don't like people foiling my plans! Now, that damn angel will be on to me!" Napoleon found the wood in his hand across the room. He marched over to a wood cabinet and yanked out a bottle of red wine. "Father, thou shalt not drink!" Chu snickered, mocking Napoleon in an exaggerated French voice. Napoleon's face was beet red as he chugged down half of the bottle's contents.

Wine splashed on his robe, face, and shoes. "Wipe out someone for me." He drank so fast he needed to catch his breath. Find another brat, and bring her heart for me. She should be very young." Suddenly, Napoleon lurched and vomited all over the floor. Red wine and pieces of digested food scattered all over the floor. Chu disappeared as Napoleon took another gulp of wine while sitting in his filth.

Chu re-appeared outside a large house isolated from the slum. A rat approached his shoe, and he stomped on its head without a thought. Scraping his bloody sloe on some grass, he watched in awe as a silhouette of a man behind a window flogged a shriveled figure. Chu appeared in the room, his claws out and ready to slash.

With a swipe, he sliced the man's neck into four large chunks. His head rolled on a cream carpet, destroying its pure aesthetic with blood. Her emaciated figure crouched, terrified of the entity that murdered her abuser. Chu's lips quirked up in a smirk. "Don't be scared." He knelt down and slowly lifted her head. "I'm here to free you." He whispered in her ears, enjoying her blush.

Her hands trembled as his fingers traced her cheek. She shakily moved to move his hand from her cheek. That was what her father did to her before Chu killed him. "Why, you're a stubborn one!" Chu mocked her with a smile. "Wha-" Chu pierced his finger into her eye, chuckling lowly as she cried blood. Her body violently shook as he swirled his finger in her eye. "You're quite meek. I want to hear you scream!" He chuckled louder as she finally started screaming. His eyes narrowed as he realized something...

Ross held his head in his arms. Since he faced Tyra at the park, he'd been bombarded with a new set of murders. A couple of young girls were steadily disappearing every week. They were not more than sixteen years old, and they came from different family backgrounds. He hadn't given it too much attention before, but the cases sprung up like weeds.

The latest one had her heart brutally ripped out of her chest and her left leg torn off. Ross flipped her headshot and focused on the picture of her corpse. Her former innocent smile unnerved him. Furious, Ross slammed his desk and glanced at the girl's record again. Someone scribbled a note and attached it next to her photo.

'Anita Barnes-16 yeard old, schoolgirl. Found at the Abbey's Market at 5:50 pm. Cause of murder: Stabbing + Blunt Force Trauma + Unknown. Details: Heart and other organs missing.'

As he read the gruesome details of her murder, his phone rang. Sighing, he picked it up immediately. Before he could speak, Yuuka's voice cut him short. "Ross! Hurry to the Abbey's market! We've got a new case! The Irish patch is here, and it's wild! Hurry!" Ross threw on a coat, grabbed a small bag, and rushed to his car. Before he could reach his car, a large stray dog jumped in front of him.

"Bloody hell! Move away, bastard!" Ross landed a strong kick on its head as it was about to bite him. The dog whimpered and limped away. "I don't have time for this!" Ross slammed his car door open with gritted teeth. His car quickly started, as if it were afraid it would annoy him. Ross zoomed into the road, hoping he was not too late.

Yuuka stood over the corpse. She kicked away some debris from a stall smashed in with a table. The other stalls around her were destroyed. Irish Patch men swept up pieces of broken wood and spoiled goods. The chaos around her looked simple compared to the dead girl at her feet. The latest victim she found was in the worst state.

The girl looked around 15 years old, and she looked like she was from a well off family. Her dress was split in half down her chest, and a cleaver stuck out from where her heart was. Various cuts of different sizes decorated her arms in large red bands. Her wide, bright smile and wide eyes gazed into your soul. Yuuka tried to close her eyes, but they always sprang open. When she looked away, the corpse's eye twitched.

She gasped and felt her heart race. She needed to call Ronald and Peters. Peters stood with a group of officers, yelling something at them. Ronald was out with another team, so she had to wait for Ross. Irish Patch officers swarmed around the area. Some vendors hurriedly packed up their shops. An old man hobbled off with a young girl slinging a sack on her shoulder. Peters yelled at a group of Irish Patch officers holding broken stall parts.

Ross swerved into an empty corner of the road and leaped towards a zone taped off from the rest of the market. He pushed his badge into an officer's face before rushing to Yuuka's side. Yuuka nodded grimly at the girl. "Anything missing?" He wanted to know what other organs she'd lost. "Her heart, liver, and a kidney." Yuuka glanced at the corpse before leading Ross to another corner.

An officer pushed past them with some bloodstained clothes tucked under his elbow. She leaned closer to Ross and whispered, "Her eyes are moving." Ross glanced at the corpse's face. He almost missed it, but her eyes speedily looked away from them. 'That is not Chu's work.' Ross felt his heart plunge to his knees. This case was already so complicated, and they hadn't even found a motive for the killings yet.

Before he could speak to Yuuka, Peters rushed towards them with a group of three men. 

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