Sai //: 2

330 6 1

  サイ - Sai

Forgive Me Continued

NOTE: I have been MIA for so long and I dearly appologize, I got sick a few months ago & had to manage to take care of my 3 dogs as well as losing my job. . So please bare with me as I put this story in a short amount of time for those who requested for me to make a part two for SAI ., . the wait is finally over! ENJOY. . .

NOTE #2:  I have been MIA for over 2 years and I am sorry to my readers. I write for the hell of it, a lot has happened since my last publish. . Idk if anybody cares but I broke up with my bf of 7 years, moved myself and my 3 dogs out of our place and moved in with my mom. . I recently got a new job after leaving my last one a couple months ago and I am currently going through hell and back trying to make my life something. Thank you to those who stuck around . 7/30/23


You smiled at your older brother as pain shot through your body making you wince in pain.You bit your lip to keep you from crying out loud and waking your babies. The pain passed as you sighed in relief. You looked down at baby Shin who laid in your arms he looked a lot like Sai, in fact they both did except Katsumi had less color to his skin compared to Shin. Katsumi was an exact replica of Sai which made you giggle softly. Baby Shin opened his eyes and cooed as he looked at you. His tiny hand held your finger as he laughed.

Katsumi was like you, sleeping even after you've done nothing. Katsumi just laid in Sai's arms as Sai talked to his son about his brother and how life would be different. Kakashi sat down on the edge of the bed as he watched you in awe. "Kakashi.. Would you like to hold your nephew?" Kakashi grinned under his mask and nodded eagerly like a little kid. Laughing at your brother, you handed him your first born.

As soon as he took Shin from you, pain went throughout your body causing you to scream in pain. You yelled out scaring both of your sons causing them to cry. Kakashi bounced Shin as Sai tried to calm down Katsumi from crying louder. "Y/n , what's wrong." Sai looked at you with worry and concern in his eyes. "Get...Tsunade..Now.." You couldn't move as you lost the numbness to your legs more and more as it traveled up. Sai gave you Katsumi as he rushed out to get Tsunade. You hushed him up,"Shh...It's okay my baby, Mommy will be okay I promise..Shh..." You hushed him up within a minute only to have him coo in front of you. Katsumi had your color eyes which warmed your heart.

Your vision started to blue and your boy began to feel weak. "K-Kakashi. .I don't feel good.. Please help take care of my babies .." Your vision blurred as you whispered out.."Forgive me...." The last thing you heard was your name being called out and a giggling baby that laid in your arms..

~~ Now ~~

Sai's POV.

"What happened!?" Tsunade yelled and barged into the room following after me.Tsunade grabbed my shoulders and shook me violently, I was too stunned to speak. "Sai!? WHAT HAPPENED!?" She let me go as I beganshaking, I stared at my somewhat lifeless wife y/n. I felt nothing, I feel nothing.  . . Why don't I feel anything. . I thought to myself.

"SAI." Kakashi yelled at me. I blinked a few times as I zoned back in, unaware of my surroundings. Kakashi was holding my sons, trying to tame them from crying because they both knew what was happening with their mother.  I stared at Tsunade trying to revive y/n.  Shizune grabbed my arm trying to pull me outside with Kakashi as her heart moniter went flat making no noise except a solid flat line. I continued to stare and not budge as I see no movement, her skin was becoming more pale as each second passed. Turning around I grabbed Shin and walked out not knowing what to do at this point. I was stopped dead in my tracks as I felt someone grab my shirt. Turning around I came face to face with Kakashi, my brother in law.

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