The Storm

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Atlantic Ocean, Azur Lane Base

Javelin rushed to the side as another torpedo barely missed her. She was already cut off from her friends, who were far too busy to be able to help her. The three Siren heavy cruisers close in on the destroyer, and all Javelin can do is evade and hope that someone will help her.

A half hour ago, Javelin had been planning a visit to Azure. The Jaeger had been getting steadily better, able to move around now without help, and Javelin is convinced she's getting through to him. Then, the Sirens attacked and Javelin rushed to help defend the base. Which leads to now, surrounded by enemies and Javelin is certain her fate has been sealed.

A laser grazes her side, punishment for the momentary lapse of focus. Javelin grits her teeth and turns to the offending ship, ready to fire a salvo at the Siren heavy cruiser, when another of the Siren vessels fires a torpedo that forces Javelin to dodge. The destroyer's breathing is becoming more ragged, the exhaustion of constantly dodging is draining her usually endless stamina.

All three of the Siren heavy cruises charge their weapons, aimed in a way that Javelin wouldn't be able to evade. That didn't stop the Royal Navy ship from trying, managing to evade most of the barrage but taking more than a few direct hits and many glancing ones.

Javelin barely dodges another torpedo, she's on her last legs. The Sirens ships ready another barrage and Javelin knows that she won't be getting out of this one.

*WOOOOOSH* *WOOOOOSH* *thunk* *thunk*

"What?" Javelin says, staring incredulously at the two missiles that had flown overhead and ended up embedding themselves in one Siren ship each.

The Siren vessels pause as well, their processors most likely trying to understand what just happened.


Two of the three Siren heavy cruisers explode violently as the missiles detonate, destroying their targets and sending shrapnel flying into the third ship positioned between them. The last Siren ship turns its guns to an unseen target behind Javelin. A humming sound is heard behind Javelin, and is rapidly speeding up.

*hum* *hum**hum**hum*hum*hum*hum-BAM*

Two shells fly over Javelin's head at incredibly high speeds and slam into the Siren heavy cruiser, ripping through the ship and tearing it apart. Parts of the Siren vessel explode as it rapidly sinks beneath the waves.

Another six missiles fly through the air, four target one Siren ship each and the last two strike a Siren battleship. The resulting explosions destroys the targeted Siren ships. The explosions almost masked humming sound from before, though it sounds louder.

*hum* *hum**hum**hum*hum*hum*hum-BAM*

Two pairs of shells fly through the air at extremely high speeds. All four slugs tear into a large Siren aircraft carrier, ripping four gaping holes in the ship and causing it to rapidly sink. By now, the fighting had all but ceased and all present, Javelin included, turned their attention to the one that fired these devastating attacks. What they saw confused many, and surprised a few.

Javelin's eyes  widen as she takes in her savior. Standing on the surface of the water is what can only be described as a human-sized version of Azure's Jaeger form. Though there are some differences. The weapons on the arms have been replaced with AA guns, and the replaced weapons seem to have been improved on and attached to either side of the metal man's waist. Half-empty rocket pods sit on their shoulders. The handle of a sword can be seen sticking out over the right shoulder.

"A-Azure?" Javelin hesitantly asks the figure.

The golden visor turns to face the destroyer. "Fall back," the voice of Azure says, "I'll handle this."

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