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𝙋𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚; 𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙠 𝙇𝙚𝙚


cant wait <3

cute heart haha

I didn't find it weird that Mina sent a heart because I know it's one of those social media fan things. I can't quite explain it, but in these modern slang times it's considered a gesture to be nice and friendly rather than a romantic one. I didn't think much of it so I brushed it off.


sorry abt the heart i usually
send it at the end of my sentences
to be nice or to show enthusiasm

usually i do it with my friends
but i just did it from force of
habit 😅😅

haha it's fine my friends do it too
don't worry about it

you say you usually do it with
your friends

are u considering me a friend then 🤔

umm i guess...? if you do then
im cool w that

im just messing w you mina hahaha
ofc were friends now dont think abt
that little heart too much jeno does it
all the time

okay KSMDN ill leave u alone

if u still wanna talk or whatever
im here

that way once we start the tutor
sessions you'll be comfortable
with me

just cuz you're my tutor doesn't
mean we can't be friends n get to know
each other haha were still in the same
grade yknow

yeah sorry sometimes it slips my
mind that the students i tutor
are still in high school

i think it's mainly because i never
really had a normal conversation
with one

aw that sucks

don't feel like u can't talk to
me tho!!

thanks mark that's rly
nice of u ㅠㅠ

hey are u doing anything tomorrow

sorry it's such notice but before
we start getting into the boring
school stuff do u wanna get to
know each other? or something like

if it's too much then honestly
it's fine

i just really wanna do something
fun before i have to learn 3
days week y know?

sure that sounds cool but i have
to ask first give me a second ok?

yeah yeah sure take ur time
seen  4:45 PM

Was it too much to already ask to get to know each other? No, right? I asked Jeno to hang out on the first day. And besides, this is for me, I have to know what kind of person Mina is to adapt into her teaching me for half a semester. But still, maybe I overstepped.

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