16. Dear Neveah

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Dear Neveah,

I'm delighted for many reasons, yet, it boils down to one source. Lucas. Sitting down to think, there's perfection in originality and the realisation hits hard.

I feel excited and grateful for how he sees me the way he does. It feels like he trusts me and I feel like a happy kid in a kart. Like nothing could ever go wrong. Could there?

It's weird how I don't want to let go. How soon the warmness of his smiles makes my insides flutter. How he raises his brows when he wants to ask a question, amusing yet captivating how it feels like I'm anticipating every little emotion he shows. How his eyes light up when our eyes lock but quickly flashes back to marble, that piece doesn't matter. I feel at peace with him. Regardless.

How oblivious he is! Oblivious to the things his genuine smile does to me. Taking the warm cup of coffee latte from me, his adorable fingers brushed over my hand, sending me to my electrifying edge. I don't know what he had to battle in his solitude so I figured a cup of Peyton's coffee would be okay to prepare him for the day.

Not to replace you, I wouldn't think about it, you know, but I feel safe when I'm with him. I never believed fairy tales but will he fight like he does if I'm the prize? Like in the movies, those one I grew up to understand were fallacies and illusions?

Does the excitement bustling inside me when he slides his arm onto my chair making it fall around my shoulders compare to sitting alone under a starry night where all fears and wearies escape? I plead guilty for falling for his charm.

Comments from the student body on how we seem to grow incredibly fond of each other don't bother me. It was okay not being anyone else but him. It was. As usual, he held my tray at lunch and it sparked more rumours about us. Why should I be the only one to see how nice he is? How considerate and kind he can be at times. Doesn't it also matter?

Earlier, he copied my notes for me while I copied his homework. Yesterday, I was relishing every drop of the rain, every pelting sound of the rain on the window and roof, how it felt like music in my ears.

I know I should've done my homework at home but it was one of that night I fall asleep on the couch because I was totally at peace with myself.

Beside this sheet is the note he copied, I could spend the whole day staring at the scrawny handwriting down and across every margin on the page. Would I ever exchange him for any other person if given the chance?

Thinking about that scares me. What if I stop seeing him? What if he doesn't let me hide his scars or doesn't sit beside me during lunch and stare at me? When he stops looking at me with those amused eyes of his. When he stops making me feel beautiful with the way his eyes follow every move I make and scrutinize me intensely, making me burst into different shades of red?

Why does fate have to throw everything in my way just like I want it? Couldn't fate just let you also stay like now? Or you weren't supposed to. Could fate also make me have a happy family as I've always wanted? Maybe this is what I deserve.

Arriving at the dessert shop, I noticed lots of changes, especially in the twins. Lots of customers kept bustlingp in and I'm thankful Peyton will get more presents for the twins this Christmas. As you know, the older they grow, the more demanding they become.

They've also missed you as much as I do and I'm sure Peyton does too. I'm grateful she's making progress with her investigation on what happened at the bridge. I hope she comes with good news this time so you'd finally get justice.

I taught the twins how to mix colours today and Bev wouldn't get her fingers out of the paint. It reminds me of the time we became friends. We liked to paint our names on every surface we came across. It was fun.

They still bicker like old times and I had to go through the trouble of splitting them up. They had to help later even in their angry states because in the evening, the shop was overflowing with customers.

Guess who I had to serve another cup of coffee latte? Lucas Colton Clarke. We had to meet somehow, how ironic. He looked surprised to see me, what about me, I was a blushing mess.

Yours truly,

Who else missed the twins? What are your thoughts on Allison? I think she's finally happy with just her thoughts and isn't lonely anymore.

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