Instincts WHY!?

978 31 26

Makoto's p.o.v

He slammed the door and it echoed through the hallway. I stood there, all alone in the dark.


Was it my alpha instinct to protect him because I got a small scent of honey from him!? I shouldn't assume someone's secondary gender just because of a small sample!

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid!

I feel so horrible about what I just did, yet I feel right.

Right? Why right if I only caused wrong!? Was it my Alpha? Wanting to protect someone? Though that could have been anyone.

But no, it happened with him. Togami.

"Standing in the hallway all alone will make it easier for anyone, don't you think?" was a soft voice, monotone with little to no emotion.

I turned around to view them. My luck was the other of the 3. Kirigiri, her talent is unknown to us and them.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bother,"

"It's ok, I didn't mean it that way,"

Just like him. They had no smell. Like something was blocking it out. Maybe if I got close I can get a sample. Not to assume or anything!

"To get to the point, what are you doing here all alone?" she asked as she crossed her arms and put on that emotionless face.

"Nothing! I just wanted to get some fresh air you know?"

"We aren't outside so I won't describe it as fresh air, but you do you,"

Something about them was off. Like those mystery quizzes behind cereal boxes. The answer can only be found if you view it from a different angle.

As they walked away, a moment was caught where I was able to catch a scent. Something strong. An Alpha maybe?

Hey! Don't assume things Makoto that is very rude!

As the footsteps grew more distant, I was once again all alone in the hallway.

Should just hang out in my room and sleep. Thinking about a way to escape.

But my mind lingered off in other directions once I hit the bed. Can't even rest in my room! This isn't even my real room anyway.

Might as well go talk to the others, maybe gather some ideas. Ishimaru seemed to be the leader so if anything were to come up I will tell him everything. Though I assume that not everyone sees him in a leadership role.

For a Beta to be in charge is not considered the norm, but it's better than what I can do. Maybe Owada can take the position. Wait no he is too hot-headed. Leon as well seems to match the spectrum

Ogami seems capable as well. But they are very quiet and buff. Nothing wrong be buff, just very intimidating to the rest.

Maybe I should leave it to the Moral Compass. Gender doesn't define what you are capable of doing.

"Stop staring or I'll stomp on you," (Omega!Togami x Alpha!Naegi)Where stories live. Discover now