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In the next days Nate and I didn't talk much. He went to work while I went to the university.

It was awful!

He went straight to sleep after coming home, while Mariella and I ate dinner alone.

Nate seemed like another person. Gone was the playful, young man. What was left is a tired, worn out human being.

I was really concerned if he worked too much, maybe he had a burn out? It would make sense.

Sighing I put some soup on a tray and went upstairs.

"Nate?" I knocked on the door and went in.

He sat at his desk going over some paperwork.

"Hey, maybe you should take a little break." I put the tray down at the little table by the window and went over to him.

"I will take a break soon. Thank you rakas." He yawned and gave me a peck. Then he turned back to his stupid papers.

"Why don't you do that tomorrow. Do you even get paid for working at home?" I replied and laid my hands onto his shoulders.

"No, but it's important."

"Please just take a break today. I can see that you are tired. You don't have to overwhelm yourself." I pleaded.

This one time he seemed to listen to me and put the paperwork aside.

"You're right." He whispered and stood up.

"How was your day?" He kissed me and whispered.

"It was okay. I worry about you." I looked up and into his tired eyes.

"I'm sorry Lumi, please don't." I nodded and we sat down at the table where he started eating.

Should I even tell him about my pregnancy? He seemed to have enough worries on his plate already.

Sighing I took his hand.

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