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In four weeks our baby Eva was supposed to be coming. It was already March and I had to write my finals this month.

Today I wrote the last one. It was hard to move with such big weight in front of me but that was to be expected.

All my professors had taken it a little easier on me in the last two months and I was very thankful for that but today I would have to give my best.

Nervously I took out my laptop and the exam began.


"How did your last exam go rakas?" Nate asked as he picked me up.

I didn't answer and just fell into his arms totally worn out by the stress and my back pain.

"I don't care anymore." I mumbled into his chest and he chuckled.

"Come on, let's get you home." At home my body started to hurt a little but that seemed normal at first.

Just as the pain grew stronger and liquid streamed down my leg I realized that the baby was coming!

Nate had already gone to work again so I called my aunt first.

She hurried to get to my house and on our way to the hospital she called Nate.

I was taken into a wheelchair and rolled to one of the hospital rooms while my boyfriend was on the way.

Oh goodness, it hurt so much!

Nate arrived a little time later and let me break his hand while I pressed our baby out (lol what am I writing here, I don't even know the real words for this).

After hours of pain and crying I held Eva in my arms.

Hold my hand Where stories live. Discover now