Chapter One-Arienne

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Arienne rolled over at the sound of her alarm, grumbling as she crawled out of bed. She hated 9am lectures as much as anyone else but she made an effort to attend anyway. After a quick shower she creamed her almond brown skin, put on mix and match underwear and slipped on a pair of navy leggings, a white tank top and her deep grey hoodie tying the hood strings into a bow. She looked in the mirror and flung her curly hair into a semi messy bun before quickly filling in her eyebrows. Slipping on her socks she pushed her feet into a pair of white and grey air maxes just as the door knocked. She opened the door and smiled at her best friend

"Morning Nix, let's go" she said greeting Phoenix.

"Arienne, how do you manage to look so buff at 8.40 in the morning?" She replied as I locked the door. I rolled my eyes and sighed playfully

"Nix don't start I look average you're the one that looks buff at 8.40 in the morning" I replied taking in her appearance. Her weave was bone straight with deep blue tips, her make up was on point but not too much and she was dressed in a black Zara tracksuit that clung to her figure for dear life. Yep there was no denying it Phoenix was a beautiful girl. Her friend laughed as they walked out of their block and crossed the road to the main building.

"Ah I just want to crawl back to my bed man" Arienne Moaned as they entered their almost empty lecture room.

"Firm it, if you start bunking I'm calling Aunt Sydney" she said sliding into the inside seat of their row.

"Snitch" Arienne laughed sitting next to her.

 They sat talking a while longer till the brightly lit room became dark, Arienne sat focused ready to take notes; as much as she hated 9 am lectures she loved English. On the screen showed romeo and Juliet, she was partly excited to watch it as she had liked it so much in secondary school but that was a while back. As the start music began a small tap on her shoulder made her turn her head, she was met with a pair of eyes she hadn't  seen in a while. He smiled at her and pointed down at a piece of paper, Arienne looked down at it and frowned; were they in primary school?. She could feel his eyes on her as she read what it said

Can I borrow a highlighter please?

She furrowed her eyebrows, did she look scary or something? Shaking her head she pulled out a blue highlighter and gave it to him trying not to look at him. As she was turning back to the screen he tapped her arm once again. If it's another note I'm not reading it she told herself facing him.

"Thanks" he said smiling at her showing his gold tooth and two deep dimples, he had a beautiful smile; he always did. His appearance made her feel some type of way,  just like he did in secondary school. 

"You're welcome" she said quietly. 

She returned her eyes back to the screen but could still feel he's eyes on her; she was trying her hardest to concentrate but her mind was no longer interested in the film. When had he joined their course? Hell she hadn't seen him since the first day she had arrived on campus; she made a mental note to ask Phoenix.The rest of the lesson went by in a daze, as soon as they were out of ears reach Phoenix started firing questions

"Oh my gosh Ri, do you remember who that is?" She asked smiling

"Yes Phoenix, I remember him, what was he doing in our lecture please?" I asked her.

"I didn't believe him when he said he switched subject, what were you tow talking about" she said still smiling. I rolled my eyes

"We hardly spoke, he asked to borrow a highlighter said thank you and that's it" I replied.

"Arienne, Shane was watching you for the whole lesson" Phoenix  said smiling. 

"Well 'Shane' didn't give my highlighter back, that is no longer borrowing it's now theft" she replied as they crossed the road back towards their block.

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