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"Does anyone else have the feeling that something strange is happening?"

You were hesitant to step off the life raft. Everyone else was already on the ship and the ramp leading up to the deck.

"It is a bit strange no one has shown themselves, but I don't think there's anything wrong with the boat."

Kakyoin spoke as he followed Polnareff and Avdol onto the ship while Joseph and Jotaro waited for you and Anne to step off the boat.

"Hurry up."

Jotaro spoke, both to you and Anne. You reluctantly stepped onto the ramp despite your bad feeling, similarly to how Romeo had a bad feeling before he went to the Capulet's party and met Juliet. Romeo and Juliet both died three days later, so you were hoping you weren't walking onto the thing that could kill you.

"Are you coming too?"

Anne was the last one left on the escape boat and Joseph stuck out his hand.

"I'll help you off."

You watched Anne curiously while Jotaro also stuck out his hand to help her off the boat. You thought you'd join in, so you also stuck your hand out for Anne to grab. As you did so, Anne jumped off the boat and onto you, making you stumble and fall onto your butt.

"Hmph, looks like she likes Y/n the best."

Joseph observed with a quirked eyebrow, and you stood up. You were used to carrying your brother, but with the lack of real food recently, you weren't up to carrying a child up a bunch of stairs. So, you held her hand instead and started stepping up them. Unbeknownst to you, Anne stuck her tongue out at both Jotaro and Joseph.

Joseph did a double-take while Jotaro pulled his and down and followed you onto the boat.

"Yare yare daze."

Jotaro shook his head, and Joseph followed his grandson.

"This boat could do with a new coat of paint."

You spoke as you got to the top of the stairs. Joseph and Jotaro knew what you meant when they got to the top after you and Anne. The colors were dull, and a lot of the metal was rusted. The boat had a faded green deck and rusted metal cranes that used to be a bright red.

"Where is everyone?"

You followed Joseph, Polnareff, and Kakyoin up to the piolet house. No one was at the wheel, yet it was spinning as if someone was steering. No one was by the radios, either.

"It's like a ghost town..."

Anne whispered and you patted her head.

"Don't be ridiculous."

Avdol nodded with Kakyoin.

"It's like a ghost boat, not a town."

You smiled at Anne, and Polnareff, who wasn't too worried about the fact the boat was incredibly shady, laughed at your bad humor. This got Anne to smile a bit, and you let go of her hand to walk to the radios. Joseph was tapping the compass as Jotaro put his hands in his pockets.

Kakyoin walked over to where you were. You were flipping random buttons and reading the labels on the switches while Kakyoin watched and picked up one of the phones.

"Guys, look at this. It's a monkey."

You heard Anne's little voice and tore your eyes off the buttons and switches on the radio board. This piqued your interest. A monkey on an empty ship? That was intriguing.

"There's a monkey in that cage."

Anne pointed into a separate room, and you walked over with Kakyoin. Joseph and Jotaro were already by the door with Anne, and you glanced in.

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