2. Bus Ride

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Yamaguchi x Hinata

Sick Hinata tries to attend the training camp!
And Yamaguchi takes care of the usually energetic ball of sunshine along the way!

I really think this ship is cute! 😊
Hope you guys will enjoy this chapter! 💕


    Hinata sloppily walks to the clubroom. He opens up the door to the clubroom and sits down, putting his bag down beside him. "Oi Boke. Are you okay? You didn't try to compete with me earlier," says Kageyama, in an unusually nice tone. He sits down next to Hinata and puts his hand on his forehead.

    "Whoa! You're burning up!" Kageyama stated, removing his hand from Hinata's forehead. Suga approaches the duo and squats in front of the tangerine. Suga cups the tangerine's cheek and says, "Hinata, you should go home. You're burning up."

    Hinata shakes his head "N-no. I really want to attend! Can I please go? I promise that I won't join any of the matches! I'll just watch you guys from the sidelines!" pleads Hinata. Suga sighs. He knows that the tangerine has been waiting for the training camp for two weeks. "Alright. Just watch, don't play," Suga agrees.

    Once everyone arrived, they got their things ready and started their journey to Tokyo. Hinata sat with Yamaguchi, Suga had to sit with Nishinoya since he really wanted to sit with Hinata, and that wouldn't be a really good idea since Nishinoya is- uh- loud and rowdy? Daichi sat with Tanaka and Asahi sat next to Kageyama. So, Suga assigned Yamaguchi to take care of Hinata throughout the bus ride as he really trusts him.

Yamaguchi's POV

    I was really nervous sitting next to Hinata. I have a small crush on him. Okay, I admit. A really big crush on him. I realised this not too long ago- maybe three weeks ago or so? I'm not sure.

    I pat his head as it rests on my shoulder. 'It's so soft! He also smells really good- he smells like the sun.' I thought. He suddenly hugs my arms. My heart is pumping really hard at this point and my cheeks are really warm. I probably look like a tomato.

    I smile softly and rest my head on his. It feels like a really fluffy and warm pillow. I could feel myself losing conciousness really quickly. I don't really care about the glares that are directed my way right now. So eventually I fell asleep.

No ones POV

    Yamaguchi stirs awake when he felt something fall on his lap. It was the tangerine's head. Yamaguchi chuckles and pats his head. He looks around to see where they were and saw that they were almost at the training camp. He sighs, knowing that the warmth radiating from Hinata is going to disappear soon. He feels sad about that.

    Once they've reached their destination, everyone grabbed the bags and got off the bus. Yamaguchi grabs his and Hinata's bags and bridal style carry Hinata. Everyone is off the bus now. The crows spot sight of a few cats, Kenma, Kuro and Lev.

    "What's wrong with Shoyo?" Kenma asks, walking up to the freckle-faced boy and tangerine. "Ah, he has a fever. I should go to the dorms and put him down," replies Yamaguchi.

    Kenma glares at Yamaguchi. He's jealous that he gets to have some free time with the orange-haired boy. He also doesn't trust Yamaguchi with him. Kenma clicks his tongue and walks off somewhere. Yamaguchi sighs and looks down at Hinata. He'll miss the warmth that he's feeling right now.



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