3. Finally Awake

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Hinata x Everyone

Hinata finally wakes up after hours of being asleep!
He also meets everyone, besides Nekoma and Karasuno, for the first time!

Enjoy the chapter! ✨


    Everyone is having dinner outside of the three gyms. It was really noisy. People were laughing out loud, talking, shouting. "Hey, when will chibi-chan be able to join in on the matches?" asks Kuro, shoving another piece of beef into his mouth. "Hopefully he can join tomorrow?" Suga replies.

    "Whoof ish dish chibi-chan?" Bokuto asks, his mouth full with meat.

    "It's Karasuno's adorable number 10! You guys should be careful around him during the matches. He's really swift! But short," Lev joins in on the conversation. 'How dangerous is this number 10? I've been hearing warnings about him from Nekoma all day!' Bokuto thought, finishing off his last piece of meat.

    Suddenly, Suga feels a tug from his sleeve and looks to the side to see who it was. There stood a really adorable sight. Hinata in a grey hoodie that he was lent by Yamaguchi, the hoodie reached his lower thigh and the sleeves of the hoodie  reached the tip of his thumb. He was wearing shorts, but it didn't show.

    "Hinata! Are you feeling better now?" asks Suga, carrying Hinata into his lap. Hinata nods his head a bit and rubs his eyes. He notices the stares that he was getting from the people that were around the table and blushed a bit, embarrassed by all the attention that he was getting.

    "Are you hungry?" Yamaguchi asks. "I can get a plate for you." Hinata nods his head and smiles at Yamaguchi. "Whoa! No one said that you were this cute!" blurts out Bokuto. Hinata turns even more red and hides his faces with the long sleeves. "Thank you," Hinata muffles out.

    "I'm Bokuto Kotaro! I'm one of the top 5 aces in the country!" Bokuto exclaims, smiling proudly. Hinata perks up, eyes wide, filled with admiration and shouts out, "THE TOP 5?!" Hinata gets up from Suga's lap and runs to the other side of the table to where Bokuto is.

    The two volleyball-obsessed boys started to talk- er- well- shout- with eachother. "Well, do you want to be my disciple?!" asked the owl. Hinata jumps up and down while continously saying, "YES!"

    The people around the table chuckled. "Bokuto-san. I think you shouldn't make Karasuno's number 10 jumps too much, he is still having a slight fever. We don't want it to worsen, don't we," Akashi interrupts the two. "Aha! My name is Hinata Shoyo! You don't have to use 'Karasuno's number 10'! It's a bit too long for a name, isn't it?" grinned Hinata.

    Daichi goes up to the three and ruffles the tangerine's hair. 'So soft,' he thought. "Alright Hinata, eat up the food Yamaguchi got you and get back in bed. You can continue tomorrow," says Daichi, with a soft smile. Hinata nods and takes the plate from Yamaguchi, sits and begins to eat.



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