14: Run, Leave, Go

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In the middle of the night, you awoke.

It was supposedly dark. Your memory was too clear that sunshine shouldn't be around at this hour. Did you oversleep? Perhaps, mistook time? Uncertain, you slowly pushed yourself against the bed, rubbed your eyes, and brought yourself back to your surroundings.

There he was, the man you decided to be with, chuckling and talking about something important, you believed, with one of his trusted companions.

Just seeing him smiling brightly already drew an upturn curve on your lips.

However, skies quickly darkened, not giving you a second to understand what was going on. Your eyes darted to every direction possible, discerning whatever would befall.

Then, before you, the man you loved the most, was targeted by three creatures from an unknown world. Not Teyvat, no.

You called for him but your words had already been taken over by your sobs. "Kaeya! Kaeya, please, behind you!"

It was odd that he couldn't sense what awaited him, and that he couldn't hear you. Normally, he would turn to you just by feeling that you're nearby, he wouldn't even bother having you speak first. You wanted to stop them or alert him but you couldn't move either. What could be going on?

"Kaeya!" With all your might, you shouted whilst cried.

Still, he didn't turn.

Kaeya was knocked down, and hit repeatedly by those you've seen. With their numbers and strength, he wasn't able to dodge and prevent it from happening.

"No! Noooo!" You teared.

Members of the Knights of Favonius rushed to the scenario, fended off the enemies, and tried with their utmost prowess to save their cavalry captain.

It was too late.

"Kaeya, no! No! This can't be! You can't be...!"

You tried to drag yourself to his lifeless body but you were too terrified and shocked that you remained still.

"Kaeya! Kaeya!" Called you again, desperate to wake him up.

He jolted. Albeit confused, he managed to come to his senses and quickly tended to you. "What, what's-- Are you--" the captain himself wasn't able to compose anything comprehensible but he was able to get the gist of your situation.

She had a very bad nightmare...

Soonest both of your eyes met his, you quickly held his hands and panicked. "K-Kaeya, hurry, you need to run! They-- Someone-- Something is after you, and you need to hide! Right now!" You rummaged around your bed area then the room to find a spot where Kaeya could conceal himself.

The captain followed your movements, wherever corner of the area you went, and soon had you abruptly stopping from making one more step as his arms now wrapped themselves around you. "I'm here... I'm here. Calm down, (Y/N)... It's fine," gently, his right palm petted your back, calming you down as intended.

You did but you were quickly taken over by a frown, and tearing then. "You were...," in between your sobs, you attempted to elucidate what image you had in your dream. "Creatures, not from this area, perhaps not all of Teyvat... They... You..."


Your frown strengthened as you released more tears. Kaeya knew then.

Kaeya returned his embrace around you, tight but gentle, enough to let you know that he understood, cared and not dropping the fact that your dream wasn't impossible. "No matter what, I will be fine. I won't let anything happen to me, not if it would make my princess worried."

Your sobs briefly stopped as you reacted to how he addressed you. How many times have you told him to stop calling you that? It's embarrassing and such a cringe, but, of course, admittedly, you were getting used to it as you didn't counter it like you usually would. Considering your dream, you had more important stuff to think about, you deemed.

As you sobbed again, Kaeya noticed your tiny pause, and chuckled at how adorable you looked. It seemed like you really weren't into that kind of term of endearment, huh? He told himself. Half-gloved fingers, excluding his thumb, began softly petting your head, assuring you that it would be fine, that he would be fine.

Your shoulders drooped, undoubtedly his touches had you started feeling rather relaxed yet your frown remained. You were quick enough to put your attention back to what you had just experienced. "Do you promise?"

Promises are meant to be broken was a line going around in your world. It's not different from the others as well as per Aether. However, if such a promise would assure you, would relieve you of your worries regarding this particular knight's safety, then you would, without a doubt, believe it.

Kaeya flashed you a sincere and honest smile upon having your chin gently lifted to face him directly. "Yes, with the Anemo Archon as the witness, I promise."

By then, your shoulders now finally loosened up along with yourself sighing all the nervousness out.

The captain placed his palm atop your head, performing soft pets which caused you to slightly close your eyes upon also ruffling your hair. You looked up, and the first thing you saw was his pretty smile. A perfect fit to his personality and stature, you thought.

"It's still late at night. You wouldn't like walking like a zombie around the city tomorrow, would you?" It was a joke to make you return to bed; something you took the bait rather openly. Your feet dragged you back to where you should be, with Kaeya next to you, aiding you when you lay down, and covering you with the blanket. "Sleep tight. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

It had been a long day, indeed--at least, for you, and the other knights left behind for Patton, the Caller of the famous tavern, Angel's Share, had taken the attention of the cavalry captain.

Death in This Afternoon was up in the market.

Common to the city and those who govern it, the Treasure Hoarders outside Mondstadt had begun growing in numbers once again.

Well, at least, Kaeya wasn't in any danger like it was in your dream.

(A/N: Forgot the entire existence of Wattpad because I've only been writing small stuff on Twitter recently. As usual, this was written long ago and was published unchecked, etc. Regardless, I hope you had (and will have) fun reading!)

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