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ASLAN'S HOW WAS NOT A FORTRESS. It was not a place of relaxation, either. To Catherine, she saw it as a symbol of the war they were about to face, of what was to come in the near future. She didn't like how it made her feel.

In the tomb room, the Narnians stood listening to Peter and Caspian, who fought for leadership and shouted louder words of dominance over the other – the current battle facing which one would be heard. Catherine thought it was pathetic.

'It's only a matter of time.' Peter was saying. 'Miraz's men and war machines are on their way. That means those same men aren't protecting his castle.'

Reepicheep was the first to speak his squeaky voice echoing from the cold walls and vibrating against the broken, stone table. 'What do you suppose we do, your majesty?'

It was impossible to figure out who Reepicheep was referring to, and both Peter and Caspian jumped too quickly to conclusions, making Catherine frown as their words overlapped each others.

'-We need to get ready for it.'

'-To start planning for-'

Peter spun around, his jaw clenched and he glared viciously towards Caspian, who gulped and stood down, obediently. Catherine rolled her eyes at the boys' ignorant behaviour, and she heard Lucy release a sigh to her right.

'Our only hope is to strike them before they strike us.'

Catherine's head shot up. Peter was planning an attack on the castle?

'That's crazy.' Caspian said, voicing her thoughts. 'No one has ever taken that castle.'

'There's always a first time.' Peter dismissed.

Catherine shook her head. He was arrogant with a damn hero complex that nobody could control. She had barely spoken to the High King, but she had heard enough of Caspian's grumbles and seen enough from their pathetic arguments and consistent bickering that he was not as superior as he thought he was. If he was, he would not constantly have to fight for leadership with a boy he had just met, a boy he felt threatened by. Catherine believed that if Peter was truly as special as he presented himself to be, it would be clear that he wouldn't be threatened by anyone. And certainly not someone as reckless and naïve as her brother.

'We'll have the element of surprise.' Trumpkin defended and Caspian swivelled around to face him, adamant that they were making a wrong decision.

'But we have the advantage here.'

As they fought, arguing amongst themselves, Edmund slyly moved across the room to stand next to Catherine. Sensing the newfound attention, she looked up at him with a careful expression. Edmund was taller than her, Catherine barely reaching his chin, and he hovered over her with a careful smile. She smiled back.

'I, for one, feel safer underground.' Trufflehunter said.

'Look,' Peter sighed. 'I appreciate what you've done here, but this isn't a fortress. It's a tomb.'

'Yes, and if they're smart, the Telmarines will just wait and starve us out.' Edmund pointed out, beginning to join the debate. Catherine fought this over, working through different strategies in her mind. Each one came out negative.

'If I get your troops in,' Peter says, turning around to Glenstorm and the rest of the Centaurs. 'Can you handle the guards?'

Glenstorm's answer made Catherine anxious.

'Or die trying, my liege.'

'There is no other way.' Peter instructed. 'We must do this.'

Catherine felt anger bubble in her chest, making her grit her teeth. She stood from where she sat on the stone table and directed a glare towards Peter.

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