chapter 9

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I leaned back in my gaming chair, taking a moment to appreciate the digital world we had just conquered.


"Ah, it's been a while since I had this much fun. Thanks, guys."


"Nyahahaha, no problem, Prez. It's always a blast hanging out with you."


"I must admit, I underestimated the appeal of these games. It's a unique experience."


"See, Kiki? You can let loose and enjoy yourself once in a while. Life doesn't always have to be about seriousness and formality."


"Hmm, I suppose you have a point there."


"Great! Now that we've broken the ice, I'm sure we'll have even more fun in the future. And hey, you'll have plenty of time to practice being less formal."


"That remains to be seen."


"Nyahahaha, Prez, you're such a good influence on her!"

As we continued chatting and planning our next gaming session, the atmosphere in the room lightened up. Kirari, despite her initial reservations, began to relax and show a side of herself that she had kept hidden for so long. It was a small step towards her newfound freedom, and I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction in helping her break free from the constraints of her former life.

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