A Fred Weasley One Shot ~ Christmas

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Holly Evangeline


Green eyes

Very fair pale white skin like snow

Blood red lips

"Now where is our favorite christmas bush." I turned in exasperated astonishment to find the twins standing behind me devilish grins on their faces.

"So I'm a bush now am I?" I asked. They had been coming up with nicknames all week long.

Christmas here at the Shop was definitely interesting. Thiugh it's been really cool and fun. The boys have been teaching me how to make and create things for the shop and it's so much fun. I like their newest one one that even Percy had fallen for dummies that can pop from the size of a nickle to actual human size and appear in front of you and appear to take a curse or hit or spell. Than goodness for them otherwise...the memory of losing Fred. I swallowed.

"That you are indeed my dear Holly." agreed Fred pulling me from my thoughts. His eyes said it all he knew what I had been thinking of.

"Have some fire whiskey its Christmas eve after all love." George had taken his date into the next room giving me and Fred privacy.

"But were going to the burrow tomorrow." I said as he sat on the arm rest of my recliner and placed an arm across the back as he handed me a glass.

"So?" he laughed "Relax." I swallowed and nodded being this close to him made me nervous those fluttery feelings I had always had for him returning full force to my stomach and heart. I took a sip of the delicious warm liquid enjoying its taste. Fred smiled and downed his glass. He was such a hoot i couldnt help but feel like my sides were cramping as he made me laugh again and again.

I took my time with ny first and second glass while Fred downed the drinks like they were nothing. He was finishing his sixth glass now and seemed to be thinking mulling something over.

"Holly," he said slowly.

"Mhmmm?" I hummed looking up at him.

"Remember when I said I had fancied this girl a long time ago and that I always would that was why I couldn't date Angelina?" I nodded my heart had been broken that day along with hers. Fred could never be mine.

"Of course I do." I murmured. He seemed to take heart in this and downed the rest of his drink before talking again.

"Well you see recently those feelings have become stronger and stronger and due to certain occurrences I know she returns these feelings but I haven't been able to tell her." I nodded feeling my spirits droop again. "Well I can't stop thinking about her shes always on my mind and I just need to let her know how much I love her." his beautiful brown eyes were now focused on mine they were completely clear despite the alcohol he had consumed and completely sincere and warm "and how beautiful she is like a beautiful winters day." his voice was soft now and his warm hand caressed my cheek as he leaned in close.

"Why are you telling me though?" I murmured. "Shouldn't you tell her?"

Fred chuckled lightly his eyes closing momentarily "You silly girl she is you." and with that his warm lips were pressing over mine. I blinked and kissed back quickly turning my body in the chair so I was angled towards him my hands on his thigh leaning up to reach his lips. The strong taste of fire whiskey was on his lips and I loved how it mixed with his taste. Fred's hands were holding my face pulling me to his lips. He stood breaking our contact and leaving me wanting and needing that spark inducing kiss. Fred chuckled smiling as he scooped me up causing me to yelp and cling to him before he sat down and placed me in his lap on the bed.

Christmas Special One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now