Greatest Christmas Present Ever ~ Loki one shot

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Katiyana-night snow

"It's just a bit of snow there's no way we are going to get out of school." Stated Jessica Stanley.

"Come on be positive." Insisted Trinity Jones. "Do you really want to spend another boring period locked in here with Mr. B?"

Jessica grimaced "No but-"

"Exactly! So be positive!"

"You know what I don't get? We're a boarding school so every chance we get we take to go home and stay with our parents, but they're making us come in until Christmas Eve! What catholic school does that!"

"That's so true! I can't stand it and no one is freaking coming because their parents have picked them up there's no point!"

One girl however was ignoring the babble of her friends and instead focusing on the falling snowflakes outside the school window.

It was true there really weren't that many flakes falling from the cloudy sky despite the snowy blanket from last night that just barely covered the grass.

Her eyes zoned in on a oddly colored dark spot flying through the air towards the school in wonder. She glanced at her friends to see if any of them had noticed and seeing that they had not she turned her gaze back to the window.

However the next second she screamed as the window shattered with the sound of an explosion and a blast of blinding light.

"Well well well I've got you now." Said a strong taunting voice. Katiyana shivered as she pushed herself into a sitting position hissing as glass stabbed at her but luckily didn't break the skin. The class was in pandemonium people were running screaming trying to escape the room. Kate had too blink several times before her blinded eyes refocused.

"Kate!" Screamed her friends even as other crazed students pushed them from the room. Standing before her in the wreckage that had been a wall of glass school windows was a very tall man. He gazed down at the girl with something akin to surprise and interest. Quickly his lips curved up in a smirking smile. His attention had been caught and there was a somewhat predatory gleam in his eyes as he looked her over.

Katiyana wasn't like the others girls he had so far seen in her school or anywhere on Midgard. She wasn't pixie thin or tall. She was short but by no means tiny. She had a beautiful curvy figure that he could see even through her awful catholic school uniform.

"Well well well what do we have here." Chuckled the larger man as she stared at him and then the monster beneath his feet. Seeing the horribly disfigured creature beneath his boot she screamed and skidded back a bit on the floor her back hitting her own overturned desk.

"Ah yes I see you've noticed our little friend here." Stated the man looking at the creature with disgust in his vibrant mischievous blue eyes. With a scowl he kicked the unconscious creature aside before turning his attention back to the terrified girl.

He could see the shock and terror upon her face as she saw the creature. She was shacking were she sat a bit of blood dripping from a cut on her forehead. This small blemish on her face made a very large knot tie itself in his heart.

"You're hurt." He stated striding back towards her, but this seemed only to startle the girl and make her shield herself wincing away from him. Realizing he still had his scepter in his hand he slowed his motions gently setting it aside against a destroyed heater before showing her his empty hands.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt you."

She looked him over suspiciously for a moment but she couldn't help it his handsome features and aura just triggered something inside of her to trust him. He crouched beside her on one knee.

Christmas Special One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora