Christmas with the Styles family~ One Direction Harry Styles One Shot

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Jane Hargrove


Blue eyes

I sat in the window seat house phone in my lap gazing out as snow fell down outside the window.

"Jane dear are you alright?" asked Mrs Styles. I turned and a gave her a fake smile.

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied.

"Oh it's just you looked so happy making the cookies and then after Harry called-"

"I'm just a little disappointed is all Mrs Styles I'll be ok." I told her smiling.

"Are you sure? I know how badly you miss Harry. You havent seen him in almost five months." I winced at the truth in this statement but it had been seven months tomorrow since I had last seen my boyfriend.

"Yeah I'm positive." I responded she nodded and patting my knee stood again. "I'll get the last of the cookies out of the oven you just relax ok? Harry wouldn't want you to be sad on Christmas eve sweetie." she left and my smile faltered as I looked out at the snow again. To think most would have wanted a snowy Christmas but for me I could care less for although the snow had come it had not brought my boyfriend along with it. And what was Christmas without your loved ones?

"Wake up Jane it's Christmas time to open presents." I blinked in surprise to find Gemma leaning over me smiling brightly. She looked so like Harry...

"Yeah ok I'm coming." I rose from the couch and followed her from the sitting room to the living room. It was beautiful.

Gemma was so happy and excited as she opened her presents as we're her parents. I did my best but those unopened presents around the base with his name on them made me slightly sad.

When Mrs Styles caught me looking at them she got up and placed herself beside me on the couch wrapping her arms around me and squeezing tight.

"We all miss him sweetie but he's happy where he is right now." I sighed and leaned on her noddig in agreement.

"Here Mom let me get that." I volunteered grabbing one of the dinner trays from mrs styles and bringing it out into the party before returning to the kitchen.

"Here Mom go have fun I'll take it from here-go!" I stated before she could object she smiled and left me to cater the food. I was kept busy for a good thirty minutes before I decided to begin getting the deserts ready to be brought out. Rearranging the cookie plate certainly kept me entertained. There was noise of the bell and cheers from outside as I finally finished and started cleaning dishes.

Probably just more of Harry's family. I thought placing some things on the dish rack. There was an excited babble and I heard Mrs Styles yell for someone to get me. Gemma ran in no more then two seconds later and grabbed my wrist.

"Leave the dishes come on."

"Why?" I asked drying my now pink hands from the hot water on a dish towel.

"There's something you have to see." her grin caught me off guard as did how hard she was pulling as she guided me out of the kitchen and out through the crowd towards the front door. The guests were all grinning knowingly at me and giggling.

"Gemma! Bloody hell its freezing is the door open or something and what on earth is so..." I stopped talking as I saw a beaming mrs Styles at the front door. She stepped to my side and touched my arm. Then I realized exactly who were standing in the doorway.

"Y-Y-you-" stuttered Gemma teasingly.

I smiled ignoring her and faced forward yelling "Harry!" the guests cheered and hollered as laughing he lifted me up in his arms pressing his lips to mine. He set me down after a long moment breaking the kiss only to pull me tighter against him as he buried his face in my neck.

Christmas Special One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon