6. Reached Out

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She hated to admit it, but she kind of enjoyed this. As she kissed him even more, she started to realize that this is what she had been missing. Zephyr. He was what she needed. And it turns out, there was a lot more to Zephyr than she thought. Rainbow Dash abruptly stopped and forced her body off him. Zepjyr panted hard. "I think I know what you said now, but why'd you stop?" He managed to ask between breaths. "I got a strange feeling..." Rainbow trailed. Zephyr shook his head. "I'm pretty sure it's called getting horny." He said with a laugh. She chuckled a bit, but was concerned.


"You know, there is alot more to you than you may realize. You just choose to see the negative of it all. Your a great friend, an AMAZING kisser, and you are an all around good person! When you're not being a dick, that is!" Rainbow said laughing. "Oh, uh, thanks. But, why don't I believe it?" He asked. Rainbow thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers. "Because you don't believe in yourself. Maybe if you started believing the good things people tell you, you'll feel better about yourself. For starters, believe that you are a good friend. And to be a better friend, put other people before yourself." She smacked her forehead.


"Something wrong?" Zephyr asked. "I feel like a goddamn egghead saying all this "smart" shit. This is ruining my image." She said hanging her head. "....But I'm the only one here with you...so how is that ruining your image if you aren't around anyone or any social media?" He asked. She shrugged. "Idk. I just get the strangest feeling I'm being watched. Which is why I stopped the sex session in the first place. And I've been taught to go with my gut." She said. Little did they know... that they were indeed being watched.....


She pulled out her phone and examined her phone case. It was decorated with soccerball stickers and a cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt painted on it with a blue background. "I would call my friends, buuuut I'm kinda outta juice." She said with a slight sad chuckle. " I can call my sister if you want." Zephyr offered. Rainbow shrugged again and agreed. The phone rang for a while until someone picked up. "Hello?" A soft voice answered. "Hey big sis! Any chance you're with the other Rainbooms?" Zephyr asked.


"Yes, except Rainbow Dash. Why?" She replied. "This may sound ridiculous, but would you believe me if I said the last member you needed, was sitting right next to me?" He asked. He could hear multiple gasps on the other end and mumbling, then he heard a different voice. "Hey, this is Sunset. Are you sure its Rainbow Dash you're with? Because she wouldn't touch you with a 10 foot pole. If you are with her, have her talk." She said. Zephyr shrugged and gave Rainbow the phone. "Uh, hi?" Rainbow said awkwardly.


She heard multiple gasps then Sunset spoke again. "Okay, he wasn"t lying. So now if you dont mind me asking.....WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU CALL US?! WE WERE WORRIED SICK!" Sunset yelled. Rainbow flinched. "Belive me, I would've, but my phone died. Remember??? It hung up on you in the middle of my conversation...." Rainbow reminded her. "Oh yeah....sorry...so anyway, what exactly did Vignette do again?"


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