13. Because Of Them

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She froze in her tracks. Her whole face turned red. "H-h-hhow long have you guys been standing there???!" She asked, trembling. Sunset closed her own mouth. "Well. That....was unexpected.....and..uh...new." she said. Rainbow Dash blushed and rubbed her right arm. Twilight barged in. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. You mean to tell me that FLUTTERSHY knew some of this?!?! Whaaaaaa????" She said very confused.


"You ran away from yer folks at 7?" AppleJack asked. "Your father called you a MISTAKE?!" Rarity yelled. Rainbow just nodded. She looked at the ground and started sniffling. Her friends realized how sad it made her to talk about it. Zephyr hugged her first. He kissed her cheek. She didn't wipe it off this time. Fluttershy joined the group hug. Then Sunset, Twilight, Rarity, AppleJack, and finally Pinkie Pie on top of everyone else.


Raimbow started to smile, and everyone shared a nice warm hug. "Hey! How does icecream sound?" Pinkie shouted. Everyone agreed. They parted from the group hug and as Rainbow Dash walked away, Zephyr grabbed her hand to hold her back for a sec. She stopped and turned around to face him. She tilted her head to the side in confusion.


"So, all these years you did like me, you were just...scared?" He asked softly. Rainbow walked a little closer. "I'm sorry. I really am. I never really meant to hurt you, but you kept trying, so I couldn't physically see how much I was hurting you." She held back tears. Her friends realized that Rainbow and Zephyr weren't with them, they turned around to find them talking.


They were about to walk back and get them, until Fluttershy stopped them. "Wait girls. They've been through alot today, and its bad enough that incident will be all over the internet. Maybe it's best if we give them the privacy they deserve, right?" She asked them. They all agreed to wait for them at the ice cream booth.


"Because you rejected me so many times, I also tried to get other girls. But I kept thinking of you too much, and they got mad, so those never resulted in a happy ending. I just really need you for some reason. You were the one I really wanted. But the answer I always got, the vibe I always got, was no." He said. Rainbow's eyes widened. "You actually tried to move on??" She asked in shock. He nodded.


She couldn't hold it back any longer. She covered her eyes with her hand and cried. She felt bad and blamed herself for everything that happened. She didn't even know there was someone who thought she was that special to them. She also blamed her parents for teaching her their twisted version of love. Because of them, she almost caused someone's death. Because of them, she never knew how to love.


Because of them, she never got to experience real love. All. Because. Of. Them. "I hate my parents." Is what Zephyr was barley able to make out because of her crying. "Hey, you don't hate them, you're just mad at them for not setting a good example." He said, drying her tears again. She grabbed his neck and kissed him again. He laughed. She stopped.


𝙴𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚊 𝙻𝚊𝚗𝚍: 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚛𝚞𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚃𝚘 𝙸𝚗𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚎𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎Where stories live. Discover now