3. Emergency Meeting

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Vignette led Rainbow through the park while looking through the ZephDash ship snapgab page. It had quite a lot of followers. This showed that alot of people wanted to see them together. Soon enough, they arrived. Vignette led Rainbow into a work room to show her the blueprints. Rainbow was amazed. "It's gonna have a 1k story drop?! That's like.....suuuuuuper high!" She exclaimed. "Yeah! And its gonna be Rainbow colored so you feel high on PCP  when going down. I planned this with you in mind. No offense." Vignette replied.


Rainbow just laughed. "I guess I do turn into a Rainbow Blurr when I whizz pass. So....whatcha gonna call it?" Rainbow asked with contained excitement. "I'm thinking of calling it: The Rainbow Cloud Killer. How does that sound." Vignette asked looking back at Rainbow. Rainbow Dash'eyes were now wide as ever with excitement, beaming from ear to ear. "AAAAAWESOMEEEE!!" She yelled! She turned back to look at the blueprints. She had turned to ask Vignette another question, but didnt have enough time to react as Vignette took her picture, once again zapping her into a white room.


Rainbow was shocked. If they defeated Vignette's phone, how could she have done that? Rainbow gasped. Unless some of the magic had stuck! She pulled out her phone which was on one percent, but she didn't notice. She called Sunset. "Hello?" Sunset said. "Sunset! You gotta help me!" Rainbow yelled in the phone. "Rainbow? What's going on? Is it Flim and Flam again? Look, just don't play that stupid ring toss! Its rigged. And it will have you crazy!" Sunset said. "What? No-no-no-no, its VIGNETTE! She's-" was all Rainbow got to say before her phone cut off and died. "Man, I really gotta charge this thing more often like Rarity so things like this dont happen." She said to herself. She kept pacing back and forth in a panic not knowing what to do.


Meanwhile, Sunset could hear the panic in Rainbow's voice, and got worried when her voice cut off. She tried to call back but it went straight to voicemail! "Her phone must have died!" Sunset exclaimed. She hurried to finish the work she was doing and sent an emergency meeting text to everyone. She didn't have wait long for the girls to turn up at the broken Wondercolt Statue portal. "What's goin' on Sunset? Granny gon' be real mad at me for not finishing my chores." AppleJack said. "I know how important your chores are to you, but would you consider friends more important that chores?" Sunset asked. "Yea, of course! Speaking of friends, where is that darn tootn' Rainbow Dash?" AppleJack asked.


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