An Important Notice

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Look- I feel like we need to get this straight. If you're a girl and date guys (or anyone for that matter), don't just leave them in the dust because they're not 'good enough for you.' That is sick. Men have feelings too. Take it from a fellow female.

I felt the need to share this with the world because I live with someone who feels to need to do this. She'll hook up with a guy, and then dump him. 

A few days ago, she was with a dude named Jordan and spoke to him over Google Meets. But today, I find out that she dumped him because he, quote unquote, "wasn't good enough for me [her]." 

And I talked to him before they broke up. He was really cool and nice and smart. He even had good looks and a sense of humor.

And she dumps him for some white piece of trash who looks like he asks girls for nudes. He looks as fake as a copied two dollar bill.

Not to mention when she showed me a picture of him, he was making a rather... Not-school-appropriate face. 

To cut this short, it is horrible to break up with a guy because you feel that they aren't up to your level. It hurts them. What if they really did like you and you just dropped them for 'someone better?'

It's fine if they abuse you. It's fine if they treat you like a pet or garbage. But if they did nothing wrong? That is awful. 

Now you know why this person doesn't get into relationships!

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