Chapter 8

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Mal's pov

I started to awake from her deep slumber from prior events...

"Ugh, my head," I yawned. Looking around at my surroundings, I could tell I was back inside my room in my bed.

Hearing my door open, I swung my head around to see a female butler walking in, with some breakfast.

Good to finally see you awake me 'lady!" the bulter exclaimed.

"What, what happened? How long have I been asleep?" I asked putting my hand up to her forehead.

"Oh, well... from what I've heard, you were given some form of a sleeping medicine when you were kidnapped, which has put you to sleep since yesterday." The butler replied.

I then began to remember the prior day's events. After a moment of thought, I spoke up again.

"How did I get here, who rescued me?" I asked, again.

"Oh... some young, handsome fellow about your age, little taller and quite a sight to see," The butler answered.

"What do you mean a sight to see?" I asked.

"Oh, you'll know when you see him, he's with your friends and Ben in the dining room. When you're done with breakfast, they'll be there waiting for you. Good day Lady Mal," The butler said walking out of the room.

I pondered for a moment before I devoured the food a little quicker than I should have.

After eating, I got dressed in my usual Vk outfit without my jacket , made my hair, walked to the door, opened it, and exited.

I closed the door behind me and then began walking down to the school's main dining area.

Taking a turn, I headed toward the stairs, then proceeded to go down the stairs.

Reaching the bottom, I once again took another turn down the final stretch of hallway that would lead to the dining room.

Upon me nearing the dining room, I could hear the muttering of voices coming from none other than the dining room itself.

Getting closer, I could make out the voices more clear, sounding like Five. Evie, Jay, Carlos, Ben... but I did not recognize the fifth voice.

It was a man's voice, no dought about that, younger and with a tint of a American accent.

I approached the door, stopping once she reached it, and listened for a second.

"So you're saying that the ones who tried to kill Mal and me, then tried to take Mal captive, alive... are these so called Templars... who want nothing more than too... rule the world?" Ben inquired.

"Yes, more or less," The unknown voice answered.

I decided to enter thinking now or never.

"And I don't suppose..." Evie began but stopped when she noticed me entering through the door.

"Mal good morning... or should I say evening. We thought you'd never wake up, especially after that crazy day." Evie said hugging me, which I of course returned.

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