Chapter 11

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Jason's pov

I soon woke up and saw that I was in the hospital wing of Auradon Prep.

Then I remembered the previous night as I got up and got my equipment on as I pulled my hood over my head.

I soon made my way out of the hospital wing and through the hallways then I heard singing then I climbed up the side of the school and saw Ben and the other Hero's kids singing the song called 'Be our guest.' As I looked around and I saw the Vks and they were wearing fancy clothes matching their Vk colors.

Then I saw Ben and he noticed me as he looked up at me.

"Jason its good that you are here come down here please I want you to meet my folks." Ben yelled at me as I looked at him.

So I took a breath and jumped of the ledge of the school as a cry of an eagle was heard.

Some of the students and parents were amazed and shocked as I made my landing I didn't care about them as I made my way towards Ben as I saw a man in blue and a woman in yellow

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Some of the students and parents were amazed and shocked as I made my landing I didn't care about them as I made my way towards Ben as I saw a man in blue and a woman in yellow.

Some of the students and parents were amazed and shocked as I made my landing I didn't care about them as I made my way towards Ben as I saw a man in blue and a woman in yellow

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They had smiles on their faces as they turned towards me as Ben made some small talk as the man in blue walked up to me.

"Thank you for saving my son's life me and my wife are grateful to you I am King Adam also known as The Beast and this my wife Queen Belle." King Adam introduced himself and his wife as I nodded.

"I am Jason Hunter I am also glad to meet you as well." I replied.

"I was wondering if Jason would like to join us for lunch along with the Vks." Ben suggested.

"Very well then." I answered.

"So what about a game of croquet before lunch?" King Adam suggested as Ben nodded.

"Game on." Ben said as he fist bump his father as I just watched the sence play out.

No One's Pov

Everything one was enjoying the game as Carlos played with Dude, Evie talking with Queen Belle as Ben and Jay were playing croquet along with Mal but Jason still had long distance look on his face as he was in deep thought.

Then a scream was heard as he looked and saw Mal and Queen Leah as a crowd gather.

"How are you here? and how did you stay so young?" Queen Leah asked.

"Queen Leah it's ok Malefincent is still on the Isle this is here daughter Mal don't you remember my proclamation to give the children of the Isle a chance to--" Ben explained but was cut off by Queen Leah.

"A Chance to what Ben? destroy us don't you remember the poison apples and the spells the spells my daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse her first words her first steps I miss them all!" Queen Leah yells out.

"If you had invited Maleficent to your daughter's christening none of this would had ever happen and if you had problems with their parents take it up with them not with their children." Jason stated.

Then Mal tried to apologize but Chad cut her off telling her to stay away as he looked at Jason.

"Why would you defend these Vks for huh he enjoys hurting people, she just nothing more then a gold digger and a cheat and your friend there she just a sneaking, manipulative, power-hungry girl while you are nothing more than a murderer." Chad said as he pointed at Jay, Evie, and Mal.

"I've done many things in the past, and things in the future to come, that I'll never be proud of. What I do is always weighed upon the circumstances, and influencing factors. I never will kill an unarmed man, unless he is endangering the life of an innocent or myself. When I'm fighting, I act in self-defense, meaning if his intensions are to kill me, then it's me or him. Would you allow a man to advance upon yourself or your friends, thirsting for blood shed?" Jason explain.

"No, I suppose I wouldn't. But what about the Templars? You… assassinate... them without them knowing or armed in the moment." Audrey inquired.

"They are different. The men I do that to, be men who have done immoral things. And even when they may not have done such bad things, they all work for to same ambition… to kill every Assassin that they come across. So in that sense, once again it's me or him," Jason explained further.

"Then killing them does what hmm brings you peace huh?" Chad asked getting up to Jason's face.

"It is not peace that I seek. It is not for my soul that I walk this path." Jason said as he was getting piss off.

"Well Boo whoo your nothing more no your worst than the Vks." Chad said with a smirk on his face as Then Evie came up to Chad.

"Mirror Mirror in my hand who's the biggest jerk in the land?" Evie asked as it showed Chad.

Jason then pulled out his brass knuckles.

As Chad push the mirror away as Jay was about to confront Chad Jason spin Chad around as Chad was about to punch him Jason give him a beating

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As Chad push the mirror away as Jay was about to confront Chad Jason spin Chad around as Chad was about to punch him Jason give him a beating

As Chad push the mirror away as Jay was about to confront Chad Jason spin Chad around as Chad was about to punch him Jason give him a beating

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(Jason Is batman and Chad is the guy getting his ass kicked.)

Then everyone looks at Jason as Jason then pulled out a smoke bomb and threw it on the ground as smoke engulfed everyone as he dissappear as the Vks walked away.

"I knew something like this would happen." King Adam said.

"Dad it wasn't their fault." Ben stated

"No its yours." King Adam said as he and Queen Belle took their leave as did everyone else leaving Ben alone.

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