Chapter 14

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Mal's Pov.

I slowly open my eyes as I soon remember the night of bliss I had with Jason as soon felt his side of the bed then I realized he was gone I soon got dressed and went looking for him as I soon saw Jason training with his weapons.

"Good morning." I said which cause Jason to turn to me.

"Morning." Jason replied.

"You were incredible last night." I said with a smile on my face.

"So were you." Jason said with a smile on his face.

"So I am gonna head out today is the Coronation." I remind him.

As I was about to head out Jason stopped me.

"I want you to have this." Jason said as he gave me a necklace.

I looked at it was silver and in the shape of an eagle.

I looked at it was silver and in the shape of an eagle

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"It was my mother's. " Jason explained.

"Thank you Jason." I said as I put on the necklace.

"I'll give you a lift on my motorcycle." Jason said as he pull his hood up and I nodded.

We soon got on his bike and rode to Auradon Prep.

Once We got there Evie and the others came out.

"Mal where were you we been looking for you." Evie said.

I had a blush on my face as then Jason came up.

"Relax Evie, Mal was paying a visit and she just spent the night." Jason nodded.

Then I saw Jason headed back to his bike and took off.

"Come on Mal we have to get ready for the Coronation." Evie said and I nodded as we headed inside.

Jason's Pov.

I was driving down the road and headed to the market place as I heard one of my targets Norman Davison was there to negotiate a new trade deal as I soon climb up one of the buildings and activated my Eagle vision from I learn of Norman he was a member of the Council but he was also there when my village was destroyed.

After a few minutes I spotted him he was glowing yellow but his two body guards were glowing red they were coming my was as Norman was soon walking by me with his guards behind him as I then jumped off the edge of the building as I performed a double assassination on his guards as Norman turned around.

He soon saw that his guards were dead he soon took off run and I ran after him as I tackle him as I activated my hidden blade on my left arm and stabbed Norman in his chest as everything fade to white as I looked Norman standing there.

"Your role in that insane order has come to an end Norman face your judgment." I said.

"They went too far in Eagle village, I knew it then. but I just wanted peace for Auradon." Norman said.

"Your peace leaves many wanting." I replied.

"This is inevitable a good rule aways does. My apologies Jason Hunter of Eagle Village, My fee is covered it seems now  I may go to my glory." Norman said as I pulled out a white eagle feather.

"There no glory left in Auradon Requiescat in pace." I said as I wipe Norman's blood with the feather and he was dead.

I soon close his eyes as I soon hear large
explosion and saw it was coming from the cathedral as I soon parkour my way to the Cathedral.

No Ones Pov

As Jason got there he saw Mal and The Vks with the wand as Ben was trying to convince them to give him the wand
"Give me the Wand." Ben asked.

"Stand back." Mal replied.

Then the others came running through the doors to get us.

"It's Okay." Ben said.

" Ben I said stand back!" Mal shouted as Audrey came walking up to us.

"I told you so." Audrey said.

"Leave them be!" Jason shouted as everyone turned to face him.

He soon walked up to them putting himself between Vks and Prince Ben as he held out his hand towards Mal.

"Please Mal give me the wand?" Jason asked.

"Jason stand back!" Mal cried out.

"You really want to do this?" Jason asked.

Mal's hand began to shake. "We don't have a choice Jason! our parents…" 

"Your parents made their choice. Now you make your own." Jason said.

"I think I want to be good." Mal admitted.

"You are good." Jason said

"How do you know that?" Mal snapped and I could see the tears in her eyes.

"Because I am listening to my heart and Mal all I wanted no I needed revenge on the Templars for murdering my family I took it when I joined the Assassins Brotherhood but when I'm you I felt the first timein a long awhile I feel human again. " Jason replied honestly.

"I want to listen to my heart too." Mal replied and she turned to us."And my heart is telling me that we are not our parents." 

"I mean stealing things don't make you happy. Tourney and Victory pizza with the team makes you happy." Mal said pointing at Jay.

Mal then pointed at Carlos.

"And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy who would've thought of that." 

"And Evie, you don't have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." Mal said as she pointed at Evie.

"And I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy I want to go to school and be with Jason because Jason really makes me happy." Mal said.

"Us being friends makes me really happy not destroying things I choose good you guys." Mal said as she puts her fist out.

"I chose good too." Jay said as he put his fist out.

"I chose to be good as well because you guys are my friends and family." I said as I put my fist out.

"I choose good." Evie said adding her fist with ours.

Carlos looked at us hesitantly. "So just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how mad our parents are gonna be? Because they are gonna be really, really mad." 

Then Ben stepped forward "Your parents can't reach you here." 

"Carlos sigh in relief before placing his fist with ours." Okay then, Good." 

Mal then gestures Jason and Ben to come over and he then he placed his fist with ours as Mal rest her head on Jason's shoulder.

Then a green mist came through the broken window and landed on the floor revealing Maleficent. She grinned wickedly as she poses in front of crowd. "I'm Back!!!!"

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