Chapter 103 -Season's Greetings

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Lyssa looked up at a faint noise that sounded vaguely like her name, distracted from her book. She'd curled up in the library with one of her old favorites and had been lost in the pages for... probably the last several hours, if she had to guess.

She also may or may not have been avoiding awkward conversations about where she'd been before she'd jumped here, but that wasn't really relevant. She realized her finger had been rubbing her lips as she thought about where she'd been just a few days ago - more specifically what she'd been doing, or rather, what had been done to her - and promptly pulled it away with a blush. Forcefully gripping the book with both hands, she tried to focus her attention back on the pages when she heard the noise again - and this time it was definitely her name.

She glanced around and smiled when she saw the young blonde girl standing nervously by one of the bookshelves, half hidden behind the old wood. "Bria! Hello!" she called in greeting, hoping her cheeks were back to a normal color. "Do you want to come sit by me?" she asked, patting the open space on the couch next to her in offering.

Bria stepped forward hesitantly, wrapping her arms around herself for comfort. "Are you sure I wouldn't bother you?" she asked timidly, not moving too far from the security of the shadows.

"I promise," Lyssa kept her voice quiet and calm as she carefully coaxed the younger girl forward. "I don't know you very well yet, you see, but I'd like for us to be friends, if that's what you want, and friends like to spend time together."

"Oh. I don't think I've ever had friends before," Bria stated matter-of-factly, slowly inching forward. "But I've read stories about them, and I think it sounds nice." She paused, chewing on her lower lip nervously. "Do you think the Doctor would like to be my friend, too?"

Lyssa kept the smile on her face with some difficulty. "I think he would love to be your friend," she said honestly. "And I would too. But only if you want to," she added, not wanting to rush her.

"I think..." Bria lowered her eyes as she sat on the far end of the couch, close to the edge and poised to flee if need be. "I think I'd like that," she admitted, wide blue eyes finally lifting to look Lyssa in the eye.

No longer fearing she'd scare the blonde off, Lyssa let her smile bloom wide and genuine. "I'm glad," she said honestly, placing a marker in her book and setting it on the nearby end table. "I didn't get to see you for very long last time I met you, so it'll be nice to actually get to know you this time."

She didn't mention that the last time she'd seen Bria, they'd been running for their life most of the time before Bria was taken by the Master. 

It had been difficult at first when she'd jumped here, realizing that Bria was alive and well, but wouldn't be in the future. To make matters worse, this Bria had only just escaped her awful life with the Master and was still trying to adjust to being treated with kindness. The happy, eager girl she remembered was nowhere in sight. In the end, Lyssa had resolved to make her life as good as she possibly could, and to try and find a way to save Bria from the Master, if she could.

And possibly punch the Master in the face next time she saw him, but that was a subject for another time.

It was easy to like the girl - underneath her timidity was a kind, intelligent person who was working hard to adapt to her new surroundings and learning about the world with an eagerness that delighted the Doctor, who took every opportunity to teach her something new. Thankfully, she also seemed to understand - at least partially - that Lyssa was not the same person who had helped her escape, and didn't have those memories. 

"Did you have something specific you wanted to ask, or did you just want to stay with me?" Lyssa asked after several moments of quiet. "I'm fine with whatever you want, and I don't mind answering questions," she added with a smile.

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