Chapter 1: Sisters

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    The first snowfall of the year had finally come to the land of Ever After. Frost sat lightly on top of the little homes of the village, looking like icing on gingerbread houses, which many of them were. Songs could be heard on every street corner, lights were strewn brilliantly about the roads, the only person unable to be happy on this beautiful winter day was none other than Cerise Hood.

    Cerise Hood, the daughter of the Big Bad Wolf and Little Red Riding hood, tended to be quite cheerful most of the time. But not today. Why? You may ask. Because she had been given a piece of startling news. Her big sister Ramona was visiting for the holidays. 

    I know what you may be thinking. 'I have never heard of Ramona. There is no hint of her in the cabin mentioned many times afore. Where did she come from? Why was she never brought up in previous conversations?' All of these questions can be answered quite simply. Because she wasn't always there.

    Ramona was born a little over a year before Cerise. The two sisters played, fought, laughed, and overall, grew up together. But Ramona had a bit of trouble being a "Good Girl". She would pick on all of the other little Nursery Rhymes, and once even bit a kid. Sadly for her, she didn't realize that not all of the other kids were as strong as wolves.

    After the incident Headmaster Grimm had sent her to a special school where the worst of the worst villain children stayed. She was barely ever allowed home and kept in terrible conditions. The special school did nothing to abbet her anger. After years of these conditions, she gave up and became rabid.

    More incidents quickly followed and she was sent to prison, locked away til a year after the rest of the Little Red Riding Hood characters graduated. The original plan was to keep her separate from the rest of the world until she was needed to accomplish her story. Hopefully by the end of it, she would be ready to be a part of civilization again. 

    Though we all know now that the story will never again be played through the children of the Little Red Riding Hood characters.

    This is why Cerise stood with her parents at a bus stop. Cerise ought to have been hexcited, it would be the first time that she had seen her sister in over five years. But she couldn't help but be angry.

    After Ramona was locked away, she refused visits. She said that the whole world had to see her, or no one could see her at all. Slowly over the years every picture of Ramona in Cerise's family's cabin had been replaced by more images of Cerise... alone.

    Cerise shivered lightly as a gust of wind rushed by. She tightened her cloak and silently wished that Daring was there wrapping his arms warmly around her. Daring Charming was Cerise's fiancee. He was a strong, brave and kindhearted man. His biggest downfall was that he resented mirrors to the point that Cerise would have to hide them.

    "The bus should be here any minute now." Mr. Badwolf grunted.

    As if it was intended to happen, a large blue bus came sliding around the corner at that moment. It pulled to a stop right in front of the small group. A few people hopped off the bus and rushed down the street, hoping to get home with their gifts before the ham in their oven burnt.

    Red looked hopefully at the stairs, waiting for her daughter to finally emerge. A moment later a small group of officers trotted down the stairs, pulling a very annoyed-looking woman behind them. The lady straightened her orange jumpsuit and threw back her hair, her face widening into a large smile.

     "Hey, sis."

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