Chapter 5: Day Out

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    Daring looked to Cerise expectantly. "Sooo. We both obviously have news for each other... you wanna go first? Or should I?"

    "You," Cerise said through a mouthful of pastrami.

    "Well, my parents are letting us do the wedding ourselves!" He said brightly.

    "Really?!" Cerise had nearly choked on her food. "Were they joking? Because if this is some sort of an elaborate prank, you are gonna find yourself an orphan pretty soon."

    "Nope, they're serious, and as soon as we're done here, we can go shopping."

    "Awwww." Cerise grabbed his hands. "Thank you for getting your parents to change their minds. You don't know how much this means to me."

    "Your welcome. Now, about this sister of yours?"

    "Ah, Ramona." Cerise's smile dropped. "Ramona is my big sister. She had been home with the rest of the family for years, but something happened and she was sent away." Cerise continued for the next half hour, telling him the details of why Ramona had left, and how horrible she was being now that she had entered society again.

    "Wow, it must be CRAZY for you at home."

    "It is." Cerise sighed. "It would be easier if she were normal, but she's a lunatic! She's stolen and torn half my clothes, and destroyed most of our, now shared, bedroom.

    "I thought werewolves acted more like people than wolves."

    "Normally, yes, but Ramona went rabid years ago, it's a wonder she is behaving as well as she is."

    "Ah. Well, we should get moving, the wedding is only a week away and we haven't done any shopping. Let's stop talking about your sis and go window shopping."

    The two spent the rest of the evening finding everything they would need for the perfect wedding: Flowers, ribbons, and even the cake. At one point, Cerise's mother came to town and helped Cerise pick out her dress.

    The two women would not allow Daring to see the dress Cerise had chosen. They had the store clerk rap it up as soon as they came out of the dressing room, much to Daring's disappointment. Cerise went home that night with a huge smile on her face. A day out with her man was exactly what she needed.

    Cerise buried herself in her blankets and fell asleep. That night she dreamt wistfully about the wedding and slept so peacefully that even her sister's rowdiness didn't wake her up. Sadly, this was for the worse as Cerise was soon to find out.

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