Chapter 4: Fresh Air

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    The knock had just come at the door. Cerise was in a pretty bad mood and did not want to get up, and the idea of having to converse with another living being was just not something she wanted to do right then and there.

    Cerise grunted and pulled herself off the couch. She tried to put on a smile as she opened the door, but she could feel that it probably looked more like a creepy clown than an old friend. If that made any sense. She dropped the act and opened the door.

    "Are you okay?" Asked a familiar voice. It took a few minutes for Cerise's brain to register that it was Daring on the other side of the door, and as soon as she did, she threw her arms around him and hugged him tightly. Cerise suddenly felt less on edge. Everything seemed to be better when Daring was around. "Sweetheart," He gasped. "You're crushing me."

    "Oh! Sorry!" Cerise pulled away and smiled at him lovingly. "Can you get me out of here?" She asked sweetly. "It's a madhouse."

    This was in no way an understatement as most of the furniture had been torn to shreds. Apparently, Ramona had had nothing to chew on the entire time she was incarcerated. Because of this, she had taken to gnawing at anything that she could find.

    "Dang!" Daring said looking over Cerise's shoulder. "What happened in here?"

    "My sister, that's what happened."


     "I'll explain at lunch." Cerise stepped outside and shut the door. "By the way, you're taking me to lunch."

    Daring let out a hearty laugh and led Cerise to the carriage in which he had arrived. He held open the door for her. "M'lady. Where is the best place to grab a bite?"

    "The next village over has a good place for subs." She suggested. "Plus, they have outdoor seating, I have been stuck inside for the past two days, I need to be outside where it doesn't smell like my sis."

    "Driver!" Daring called to the front of the carriage. "Next town over, quickly as you can."

Ever After High: Thronecoming: WINTER SPECIALWhere stories live. Discover now