Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

School was eventful. It's been three weeks or so since I entered Clifford High. Everything was great, except there were occasional glares from Hailey and her so called 'crew'.

Since Halloween was yesterday and it was a Sunday, the school decided to throw the 'Annual Halloween day' - where you dress up to school in a costume- today. I wasn't exactly fond of wearing a ridiculous costume, but I did anyway.

"Don't you look stunning, Ms. Winters. And you too Mr. Winter" Riley said in a posh voice as I reached her. She was wearing a pair of dress pants, a dress shirt underneath her black blazer and her red hair was shoved into a gray wig, she even sported a towel on her right forearm.

"What are you supposed to be?" I said as I stood a few feet away, analyzing her costume.

"I'm a butler, m'lady." she said in the same posh British accent- which she was terrible at by the way.

"What are you? The wicked princess from the west?" Riley asked while shoving a few of her red strands that escaped back in to the wig.

Matt planned my costume since I took no interest in it. I was planning on not wearing a costume but Matt insisted that I wear one.

"What makes you think that I'm The wicked princess from the west? Heck, do the wicked princesses dress like this?" I asked as I gestured to my outfit.

I was dressed in a black ball gown, even I, myself didn't know what I was. I had two red dots on my neck with blood fake blood smeared all over it, giving it the effect that I was bleeding, when I asked what I was supposed to be, Matt said 'A vampires bride and victim'. My hair was pulled here and there messily with the help of Matt.

I startled myself when I looked in the mirror this morning.

Matt on the other hand looked like the men in the 1700s. Sporting a white wig that was supposed to belong to a court judge rather than a man from the 1700s, pants that was tight on the calves and loose on the thighs and a blue and gold striped blazer. He even went as far to buy shoes that curls in the front. Overall, Matt looked bad. I mean, not be rude or anything, Matt's like my brother, and he is good-looking. I can admit that without the need to gag since it's true. But his Halloween costume...isnt what it should be.

At the sound of the shrill bell, everyone scurried to class in their costumes, including me.


By Fourth period, I was exhausted. The dress was heavy, it was similar to what Hillary Duff was wearing in 'The Cinderella Story'. Only my dress was black instead of white and the skirt part of mine was slightly smaller.

I plonked down in my seat in English class. Oblivious to the stare coming from the right.

Mr.Ranson came in dressed as a pirate, with an eye-patch and all. I mentally chuckled at how ridiculous he looked.

"Hey." a voice said from the right. I turned to the source.

What Luke was wearing surprised me greatly, his eyes were covered in red contacts and he was wearing a long black cloak and he even sported fake vampire teeth that stuck out of his lips. I looked at him, then at my own costume.

One word. Matt.

"So is this why Matt called me at two in the morning on Saturday? To match your costume with mine?" Luke asked, amusement dripping from his voice.

"You're supposed to be a vampire groom?" I whispered back to him, not wanting to alert Mr. Randon that we were talking in the middle of his lecture.

"Yeah." he whispered followed by a nod.

"Where's the ring?" I whispered with a slight raise of my eyebrows towards his hand.

"Oh." he reached into the cloak pocket and withdrew a black velvet box. He opened it and showed me what was inside.

There were to rings, the kind of rings house would call 'couple rings'. They matched.

"I didn't know why but Matt told me to get the couple rings, instead of a normal, single one. I guess this is the reason why, huh" he said and slipped one of the rings on my table.

I stared at the silver sphere that was a ring on the table. It was decorated with fake diamonds on the outside of the sphere and nothing more.

As English ended, I still had the ring on my palms instead of my fingers.

"Where's the ring? You're supposed to be his wife." Matt's voice boomed from behind me. "His dead wife." he added before stepping in between me and Luke, who knows wasn't aware was walking next to me the whole time.

Before I could respond, Matt noticed the ring and he shoved it on my fingers himself.

"Stay with lover boy, or your groom or whatever." Matt said before pushing me to Luke's side and snapping a picture with his phone. I didn't even realize what he was doing until a few seconds later.

"Hey!" I called after him but he was already down the hallway towards the cafeteria with a blushing Riley on the tow.

"Oo-kay, now that was weird." Luke mused.

"Trust me, you haven't seen weird from Matt yet." I sighed.

"Hey guys!"

Here we go again.

Three boys in cloaks and red contacts, similar to Luke's came to sight, grinning. I raised an eyebrow, questioning their costume.

"And what are you guys supposed to be?" I asked.

"Oh, we're the groomsmaid." Michael said, the grin never leaving his face.

"It's groomsmen, you idiot." Calum hissed beside Michael.

"Oh yeah." he chuckled. Rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I burst out laughing.

As I was laughing, I coughed a little with it. Out of habit, my hand went up to my mouth to cover it. I laughed and coughed and informed the boys that I was going to the toilet, my hands was still covering my mouth since I thought I had a bit of spit on it.

I went into the bathroom to see that it was empty, I made my way to the sink.

I took my hand away from my mouth and looked at it.

My eyes widened at what I saw on my palm.


This Chapter was supposed to be longer but I cut it short since I didnt want to be a bore.. But anyways, Please please please vote for me and help me spread the word, it'll mean the world to me and I'll give you a dedication :D


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