Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

"How did you do that?" Riley asked once we were back sitting on our now called table.

Matt shrugged while I still had a sly smirk on my face.

Then, suddenly the door opened and four boys came striding in. All their head bent slightly low so i can't see their eyes.

"That's the school's Bad Boys." Riley said. I turned my head back to her. 

"The blonde one is Luke Hemmings, Calum Hood is the one that looks like an Asian but he isn't he hates it when people call him Asian, Ashton Irwin is the brunnette and then we have Michael Clifford. " she finished before taking a huge bite of her lunch.

I had a very clear view of them considering they sat right in front of us. Everyone seems to repel from them. I looked around to see some girls looking at them with admiration yet with fear. People were scared to approach them. I noticed that they moved away when they passed by their table. How odd.

I looked at the blonde-haired boy named Luke only to see him looking at me. Normally girls would look away but his eyes held me captive there. The pool of blue was so deep you could drown in them. Suddenly, out of the blue my heart raced, my palms started to sweat. What the hell? Maybe I'm getting sick.

The next thing I know I heard the shrill bell and it was time for history. History was one of my favourite subjects ever, it seems boring and dead but it's one of my favourites.

Matt and I made my way to history the school map still held in my hands. I took a seat at the far end corner without looking at anyone- the stares were getting a little creepy, while Matt took a different seat.

The history teacher, Mr.Fraserburgh came in. What kind of name is Fraserburgh? 

He wasn't what I expected. He was tall and fairly young maybe 26 or 27 with semi-tan skin and brown eyes. What I expected was an old man with a big belly and a bald head. 

The class fell silent as Mr.Fraserburgh took the attendance. I noticed many girls gawking at him. Yeah he was hot but not that hot.

"Ash Winters" I snapped out of my thoughts as I heard my name spoken. I snapped my head to Mr.Fraserburgh which was looking out the window a few seconds ago. I raised my hand to let him know that I am Ash Winters.

"Ms.Winters, welcome to Clifford high. If you will please introduce yourself to the class." he said with a slight smile. Every single head snapped in my direction. Ugh. I'm half way through the day and he's the first teacher to tell me to introduce myself??

"Its Ash, only Ash and I moved here from New York a few days ago." I said nonchalantly. 

"Thank you Ash. We are having a quiz today would you like to participate or would you like to be excused?" Mr.Fraserburgh asked.

"No, sir. I can do the quiz." I said confidently, after all I am a straight A student.(yeah I'm bragging). 

He did the same thing to Matt and looked a bit confused as he said 'Winters'. While introducing himself, he made sure to add the fact that we are cousins.

I looked down at my paper once it was passed to me and took out a pen from my bag and started answering the questions which considering was pretty easy. 

Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.

The tapping sound of pencil hitting against the table was coming from the right. I looked to my right to see a guy with a blonde quiff so high it must've been 5 inches, I turned my head back to my paper only to snap it back to my right again. Sitting beside me was Luke Hemmings, the guy Riley described as the "Bad boy" earlier. 

I looked around to see if anyone else noticed the annoying tapping, apparently no one did or they just refused to show that they did. I turned back to my paper hoping that I could drown out the tapping noise with my breathing but I couldn't. Annoyed, I turned to the blonde-haired boy.

"Keep it down will you?" I hissed in a low voice. His head turned to me and I was drowning in those blue eyes again. And i saw him smirk and noticed the he has a lipring on the left edge of his lip. Wow.

He ignored me and started tapping louder much to my annoyance. "Dude, don't you understand English? Keep it down I am trying to concentrate! " I said louder this time. Only it was which caught Mr.Fraserburgh ear. Oh no.

"Ash, do you have anything to say?" caught in my own surprise I only stared which must've been rude because his eyes narrowed into slits of glares.

"Ms.Winter detention after school" he said firmly. First day of school and I get detention? And I must've made a bad impression too. Oh god, I must remember to apologize later. 

"you too Mr.Hemmings" he added and went back to grading the papers. I threw my head back in frustration and stooped a groan that wanted to leave my lips. I turned to see Luke and saw that detention didn't seem to have any effect on him. Obviously, being the school's bad boy he must've been used to detentions


The final bell rand and I reminded myself that I have to tell Matt that I have detention. I texted him telling him about detention and switched my phone off.

I walked into the detention room(more like prison) with the slip Mr.Fraserburgh gave me earlier. The teacher on the front desk didn't acknowledged my presence so i left the slip on her desk and took a seat in the corner far away from Luke as possible, who was sitting on the other end with his 'gang'.

All of them were just sitting there staring in front of them except Ashton, the one with the curly brown hair- he was doing something on his phone. I observed him without trying to be creepy, his arms were buff and structured, he looked really manly  and also he had dimples when he smiled. Suddenly, Ashton let out a giggle. 

My eyes widened, that was one of the most beautiful giggle I had ever heard. But did i just call him manly? Oh my god. I tried holding in a laughter. His giggle was high pitched like a teenager girl's giggle, yet it was like music. Wow, I'm deep.

I looked at the one that looked like Asian, Calum. His hair was messy, and his jawline was so defined, I couldn't stop myself from feeling jealous.

I looked at the next boy, Michael. He had very light blonde hair which I envied and very pale skin and red lips. I think that's the best combination ever. I turned my head back infront and stared at the wall.

After a while, Out of the blue a tiny paper ball hit my shoulder, I averted my eyes to find where it came from. Michael, the blonde one was looking at me, grinning.

"Hey, new girl. How is it that being on the first day of school, you got detention? Are you that badass?" he jokingly asked. The teacher didn't even look up at the sound of his voice.

I raised my eyebrows at him. "So what if I am?" I asked. His grin widened.

'We'll see about that." Luke is the one who said that, with an evil smirk plying on his lips.

Oh God, what have i gotten myself into..


okay.. chapter two

This might seem like a fanfic but I'm not really sure if it is. The reason why Luke, Ashton, Calum and Michael are in it is because I find it easier using characters i know well than making a few up, which is quite hard. This story doesnt associate with the band '5 Seconds Of Summer' just the members in it.

there might be a little change in characer throughout the story with Luke and the others, this is FICTION and I MIGHT change the way the act in the story than what they do in real life. And places, schools, and things mentioned in this story is purely FICTIONAL. If there are anythings that I mentioned in the story that is true in real life than that is purely Unintentional.

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