Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

The week went by smoothly, the weather went back to being sunny. You could say it was plain and boring. But we were invited to a party, hosted by Jack Harris, the football team captain. Even though most of them flinch when they look at Matt and I, they couldn't leave Matt out since he joined the football team.

Our lunch table, which had 2 vacant spots are now filled by 2 of the most unpopular people in school.

Landon Schneider - a typical computer geek, who I had class with in math. Big glasses set on the bridge of his nose, Green eyes - which were barely visible through those big glasses. Unlike what you would've expected, his face was smooth and perfect. No zits. No moles. Nothing.

Diana Belstone - one of the outcasts with no friends. She wasn't a nerd, bitch, a geek, nor emo or anything at all. She was just....plain. I met her while she tripped on the hallway and I caught her before she could leave a faceprint on the school floors.

I stared at myself in the body length mirror that stood before me, dressed in my usual clothes. Black cargo jeans and a white t-shirt with grey sleeves and grey converse. Since we were going to a party, I put on some lip gloss and mascara. I really didn't care whether I wore a dress or not.

I grabbed my phone and keys and was on my way to pick up Matt. Riley, Landon and Diana wasn't invited so they weren't coming with us.

After picking up Matt, he looked through his phone for the address and we were nearing it now. There was atleast 40 cars parked on that street and you could hear the music from half a mile away.

"We'll, here we are." I announced as I parked in a empty spot, which was, thankfully close to the house.Matt and I got out of the car and stared at the house, it was pretty big. But no as big as I thought it'd be. There were teenagers passed out on the lawn and red polo cups in their hands or the ground. And i spotted something white and slimy which awfully looked like a used condom. I fought back the urge to gag.

Matt went ahead without a word, I followed suite.

The door was left open, I stepped in after Matt, what we entered seemed like a living room, all the furniture pushed against the wall to make space to dance. There were people everywhere, grinding against each other or sitting on the couches.

Matt turned to me and said something, but all I saw was his mouth moving but I couldn't hear anything new was saying due to the music.

I made a gesture with my hands telling him that I can't hear him. Matt rolled his eyes and pointed at the back of the room where there was a bar, and all kinds of drinks behind it. Now, I understood what he was trying to say. I nodded and Matt pushed his way through the mass of sweaty teens.

Not wanting to be left alone, I followed behind Matt. Once I reached the counter, Matt was already there drinking some beer.

"Would you like anything to drink?" a voice asked from behind the counter, without turning around I said 'Soda'. The bar was a little further from the speakers, making it easier to talk.

I studied the people on the dance floor, literally everyone at school was there. Except for the uninvited. The were people making out on the couches, stairs and even on top of the big speakers. There were even now older people, college students i assume.

"Here you go," the same voice from before said and I heard a little 'clank' as the sound of can hitting marble.

I turned around in my seat to the voice, turns out it was Luke behind the bar. I stared at him in shock.

"You're the bartender? " I asked my voice dripping with curiousity.

Luke rolled his eyes and smirked. "Is that so hard to believe?" he asked. I just raised an eyebrow.

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