Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

"Thomas! Come back here!" I shouted at the tiny human, who was now crawling over to the fridge. Again.

I stopped what I was doing-- which was attempting to cook. Attempting.

I scooped him up and he giggled. I couldn't help but smile.

"Ash! Ash! Ash, where are you?" I heard someone shout.

I didn't bother answering back since the voice was getting nearer.

Matt trudged in the kitchen in a pair of sweatpants and a wife beater.

"What?" I asked as I placed Thomas on the counter and made faces at him, which earned me a full blown laugh.

"Here you are, I've been looking all over for you." he voiced and went to the fridge. I balanced Thomas with one hand and turned to look at him.

"You could've just called me, you dumbass." I declared as I made a fist and held out the pointer and thumb, making a 'hand' phone and waved it in his face.

He scrunched his face at my fist in front of me and swatted my hand away. Matt hated being outsmarted. Funny considering he's pretty dumb sometimes.

"Whatever. have you found a date for the party tommorow? I'm planning on asking Riley..."

The rest of his sentence blurred as I thought.

Party? I wracked my brained for a few moments, recalling this so called party. And i almost facepalmed myself, but refrained because if I did then Thomas would fall.

And business party that my parents are throwing for tommorow night. And I needed a date.

Oh god.

As quickly as I could, I handed Thomas to Matt.

"You take care of my dress and all that and I'm going to get myself a date. Hopefully." I sprinted out of the kitchen and up the spiral stairs. Going dateless to a party that my parents are throwing is not a good thing. I have a reputation to uphold.

My phone was still on my study desk in my room. Even if Matt did call me it would've went straight to voicemail. I snatched my phone and looked through my contacts, my hand hovered a certain contact and then I realized that we weren't in NYC anymore.

Immedietly a certain blond popped into my head. I scrolled my contact once again to reach Luke's number and dialed.

It rang two times before he answered.

"Hello?" there was kind of chatter in the background that suspiciously sounded like a bunch of kids.

"Hey Luke, it's me." I answered.

"Yeah, I know a lot of me's so which me are you?" he asked.

I chuckled. "It's Ash."

"Hey," his voice got audibly perkier.

"What's that chatter in the background?" I asked and in a few seconds there was rustling like he was moving and then the chatter muted.

"Its noting. Just my cousin's birthday party, which unfortunately, I am supervising." he sighed and I chuckled.

"So Ash, what did I do to earn the pleasurable call from you?"

"I need a favour." I stated, straight to the point.

"What kind?"

"Let's just say that it involves expensive clothes and hell lot of food."

"Food? I'm in."

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