IMPORTANT Author's Note

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I would've put this Author's note at the bottom of the last chapter but I'm aware that nobody reads it.

I won't be able to upload Fly Away for a month or more. From where I live, school has ended for the year and it's time for a vacation. And I'm going back to my homecountry. So I'm not 100% sure about Internet connection, so no updates until January.(January 10 to be exact.) I might upload after i come back, but updates might be slow because of school.

But anyways, don't stop reading Fly Away, simply archive it. And i want to thank everyone who's reading my story. It means the world to me. Thank you so much.

If you haven't voted for the previous chapters, please do. They make my day. :)

Advanced Merry Christmas to you all! (even though I don't celebrate Christmas)



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