Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Luke's POV

I suppressed a groan when I saw the empty seat next to my own in History. I thought she might've come in late or something but no, she wasn't here. And it has been three days.

Matt said he doesn't know why Ash isn't picking up her phone and she didn't even bother informing me where she is.

I let out an audible sigh and made a mental note to stop by her house after school.


I bid goodbye to my friends and walked my way out of the school. I noticed a familiar mop of blonde hair walking ahead of me. I quickened my pace and grabbed Matt's arm.

"Hey." I said casually after he stopped and I let go of his arm.

"For the last time, Luke. I honestly don't know where she is. My parents won't tell me and I've been trying to reach her since Monday night. And i can't even go to her house!" he countered. Only now did i realize how much Matt cared for Ash, he had bags under his eyes and his usually cheerful smile and smirk wasn't there to show.

"Sorry, I was just worried." I said. Matt simply nodded and walked away.

Before he could walk any further, I grabbed him by the hood of his jacket that was hanging behind his head. He jerked to a stop and turned around.

"Sorry again." I apologized and told him what I wanted to do.

After hearing me out, Matt reluctantly agreed.

Ash's POV

I pushed myself out of bed and winced at the soreness around my body. I checked my phone and realized it was past 2 in the afternoon.

Before going to the toilet, I made my way towards the body length mirror and stared at my reflection. I lost a bit of weight in a span of three days, my pale skin was looking translucent and the heavy, purple bags under my eyes didn't help me look any better. I looked like a vampire who hasn't fed in years. Not a very pleasant sight.

I sighed at the tangled mess that my hair was in, tossing and turning in bed does that to you.

I ran my fingers through my black locks, successfully untangling all the big knots with a little effort. I yanked a hairbrush through it and winced at the pain that the small knots gave.

I was almost finished brushing my hair (which I did awfully slow) when there was soft knocks on my door.

"Yes?" I softly asked.

Marie's head popped in through my door and smiled at me with something in her eyes, it was something along the lines of sadness and pity mixed together as she looked at me.

"Mom and dad left to work, and told me to take care of you, so come down for lunch, yeah?" she said and shut the door and went away before I could reply. After a few seconds, I heard faint sobbing. I clenched and unclenched my teeth and glared at the door.

As much pain I was in, I hated hurting others. The thing I despised most. And i was doing to it to all my loved ones, for the past three days. I had to begin my parents to go back to work and make things seem normal.

I locked my bedroom door and stripped out of my sweatpants and t-shirt I slept in. Entering the bathroom, I stood in front of my mirror naked. Bruises were forming in parts of my body. Not wanting to look at it anymore, I ran the shower and scrubbed myself until my skin was raw red.

I was raising the tight end of my sweatpants up to my knee when there were loud banging on my bedroom door. I walked over it and pulled it open.

There stood two blonde's named Luke and Matt, with their eyes wide.

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