Chapter Seven - Recovery

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Kris woke up to a thumping pain in his head. He groaned and held a hand to his aching forehead and squinted into the light to make out a figure. It was Ralsei. Then Susie. They looked at Kris, concerned.

Ralsei asked " How are you feeling Kris?". Kris grabbed his head and winced " It hurts ". Susie's eyes widened, and she gasped " You hit your head pretty hard!". Ralsei sighed softly and cast a pain relieving spell.

A light enveloped Kris and he immediately started to feel better. The pain eased slowly but surely. The others looked on in curiosity. Susie asked the boy " Better?". Kris nodded. Ralsei started " I'm sorry about what happened Kris, if I ju-".

Kris said sternly " It wasn't your fault! I'm ok now". Susie smiled and hugged Kris and the fluffy boy. Ralsei said " As long as your safe, it's fine". Kris blushed and kissed Ralsei, Ralsei joining immediately.

Susie looked away to give the lovers privacy but couldn't help think of how cute they were. Kris looked at Susie and smirked " If your jealous...". Susie blushed and yelled " I'm not!". Kris shrugged as Ralsei smiled at Susie and hugged her.

Susie hesitantly hugged back and Kris joined afterwards. Their friendship was unbreakable. Once Kris was fully recovered he returned home. The second he opened the door....

" Kris!!" two voices exclaimed. Asgore and Toriel. Kris ran to his parents and hugged them. Toriel cried " There you are! You were missing for days! I'm so glad your here!!". Asgore nodded.

Kris smiled softly " Thanks. I'm glad to have such nice parents. But I.... still...miss him". His parents sighed, exchanged looks and nodded.
Kris said " I'm going to go to my room". Toriel nodded " If you need anything, we'll be here... alright?".

Kris stopped himself from crying and nodded before heading to his room. He shut the door and sat on his bed. He pulled out his journal and wrote :

Dear Diary,

It's been a long hard week. Azzy's died. I was nearly killed and kidnapped at the dark world. Ralsei is my boyfriend. My parent's are really worried about me. Susie is supporting me. It's been crazy but I know I'm not alone.

- Kris Dreemur

He placed his diary under his bed. Kris looked out his window, opened it and let the fresh air relax his tense body. Kris began to sing :

It's been a hard, long week in this boring town,
People are finally starting to want me around,
Maybe I'm special maybe I'm not,
I feel so cold but feel so hot,

Azzy is dead, my heart is aching,
It's my smile that I must keep faking,
I'm done with this world, I'm done with it all,
I think I'm finally letting down my wall,

I know I'm not alone,
not alone, not alone,
I know I'm not alone,
not alone, not alone.

I know I'm not alone~

Kris sighed as he saw the scenery. Trees, grass, Susie and - WAIT SUSIE?!? . Susie shouted " Nice song dude!". And that was when....

Kris died

Kris x Ralsei | Not AloneNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ