Chapter Eight - Kris teaches the gang to flirt

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Ralsei asked " Can you teach us to flirt Kris?". Kris looked at Ralsei. Then Susie. And he nodded " Sure, follow me". Kris lead the duo to the field of hopes and dreams where a Hathy was standing. In fact there were three.

Susie went first " Uh, come here often?". The Hathy felt very awkward and left. Susie yelled " No come here! Let me flirt with- you". Kris looked confused and shook his head. Kris ordered Ralsei to try.

Ralsei smiled at the second Hathy and said " Your hair is like the ocean and - wait do they even have hair?". Susie snorted from the side earning a playful glare from Kris. Kris rounded up the duo and said " Susie you are too harsh. Ralsei you need to be a little more sensical".

Kris walked up to the final Hathy and said something in a sweet, hypnotising voice. " You are beautiful just the way you are. When I see you I tremble with delight and the finest edges of my heart are yearning for your love. My sweet dear Hathy, you are perfect~".

The Hathy blushed and hugged Kris. Kris hugged back. Ralsei cheered while Susie....well um... this..." WHAT THE FUCK KRIS? HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD AT FLIRTING??". Ralsei shushed Susie as Kris waved goodbye to the Hathy before sparing it.

Ralsei kissed Kris on the cheek " Good job Kris!". Susie rolled her eyes muttering " .....lovebirds.....". Kris grinned and kissed the fluffy boy on the lips. Ralsei flushed all over and returned the gesture. Susie called " Sorry to break it but it's late and we gotta go bye!".

Ralsei waved goodbye to the duo and they left. Before they entered the portal Susie said to Kris " Dude. You love him huh?". Kris looked confused. Susie pointed to his erection. Kris blushed and ran into the portal followed by a regretful Susie.

Back home.

Susie found Kris blushing and apologized. Kris wasn't upset. He looked lustful. He looked at Susie with lust filled eyes and whispered " Need him". Susie gasped. Kris was in heat. Susie said to him that they'd return tomorrow morning.

Kris returning to normal said " Let's do a threesome, a special treat for us all". Susie blushed and stammered " S-sure? Well seya tomorrow, we'll have F.U.N". Kris waved goodbye and headed home to find his mother making a soup. His favourite, chicken soup.

Toriel noticed Kris and greeted " Good evening Kris! Have some soup". Kris took some soup, ate it, thanked his mother then went to have a shower. As Kris stood in the water, he thought about Ralsei. So fluffy and cute, Kris couldn't resist. Kris turned the shower off, cleaned up and dressed for bed. He was tired so he fell asleep unusually fast.

It felt like seconds before morning came. Kris yawned got up and did the usual process. An hour later, he met with Susie and they entered the dark world.

Ralsei welcomed them in. They all sat on the couch. Susie said aloud " You know Kris. You've always been there for us, so let's be there for you". Kris didn't get what they meant until Ralsei tied him to the chair and cuffed his hands behind him.

Note : It's not rape, it's just friends having fun

Susie took off Kris's armor and shirt then played with his nipples earning a small moan. Susie whispered something to Ralsei then Ralsei magically made his pants and underwear disappear. Susie sucked on his small cock while Ralsei played with Kris's hard nipples.

Kris moaned and screamed in lust " More! Faster! Susie! R-ralsei!''. The duo grinned knowing Kris was enjoying this. Then they untied Kris.
This time Kris tied them to 2 poles that Ralsei created. He stripped them off and started at Ralsei's penis.

Kris licked the tip delicately and Ralsei moaned. Kris groped his cock and touched all the sensitive spots. Then he told Ralsei to wait as he continued on Susie. He grabbed her giant breasts and groped them. Kris put his head between them and looked up to Susie's flustered face. He then gently rubbed her clit, getting faster by each passing second.

Susie screamed in pleasure " Yes~ More~". Kris then told Ralsei to stand behind his ass and thrust into him. Ralsei began to fuck Kris as Kris fucked Susie. They were moaning and yelling. Too loud to hear or see Lancer standing there looking like his childhood innocence just broke.

Because technically, it did. They all screamed and quickly redressed. What will they do now?. Lancer just saw everything!. Lancer managed to say " What the fuck?". Susie said " I- I can explain!". Lancer smiled " It's fine! Do your grown up stuff, I just came to remind Kris and Susie that they need to go home!".

Kris and Susie left, still exhausted but shocked from what just happened. They headed home and parted ways. When Kris got home he immediately ate then ran for a shower. Luckily Toriel was to busy reading to notice Kris's behavior.

The night went quickly and soon enough days passed by. Normal days, fighting, flirting, chatting. That changed when something happened.

Something unexpected. Something that happened in the light world.

Kris knelt down and asked Ralsei, pulling out a ring " Will you marry me?".

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