Chapter Six - Krisnapped

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Kris screamed in absolute shock " King?!?". The Spade King laughed darkly " That's right Lightner, and now I'll put an end to this ridiculous world you made and it'll be back to normal. But I won't kill you yet, I'll torture you slowly".

Kris glared through his bangs, and yelled " You won't get away with this, you fucking-". The king slapped his face and Kris yelped " Address me as Master, and Master only. Understand?". Kris remained silent. The King shouted and punched the poor boy " I SAID DO YOU UNDERSTAND?".

Kris looked down, lost in sadness and misery. He was alone again. He said " Yes Master". The King grinned evilly " That's better". Kris gritted his teeth, the chains on his arms, legs and waist were tight. He was chained to the floor, and could only walk a few steps before the chain pushed him back.

The King suddenly grabbed a spade and shot it at Kris's chest, tearing his shirt and flesh. A huge wound bled and the poor teenager screamed in pain. The King laughed and kicked him so hard, it might have broke Kris's leg.

The Spade King left. Probably planning something worse. Kris checked his stats. 12/90 HP. SOUL Status : Weak, damaged. Kris sighed and had an idea. He watched as his soul floated ahead of him. He told it one simple task " Go find the others". And with that, it left.


Ralsei cried " I'm so scared Susie, what happened to him? I feel sick-". Susie cut the fluffy boy of and placed a hand on his shoulder " Ralsei. Calm down. We're really worried but I told you we'll find him".

Ralsei looked down sadly and nodded. Suddenly a red light lit up the darkness. Lancer looked shocked. Susie stammered " Is t-that....". Ralsei finished " Kris's soul?!?". Ralsei winced " He's hurt. Badly hurt". Ralsei held the soul in his hands. It was bleeding and slowly turning black.

That meant that not only was Kris hurting physically...but mentally. Susie asked " We need to find him!". The soul started to move off. Lancer shouted " Hey wait for us!". The trio followed the soul as it dashed through the woods.

Finally, Ralsei had hope. In fact they all felt a little better, but Kris clearly wasn't ok. So there the remaining people of the Fun Gang were, following a broken, depressed soul through town.


The King called " I'm back ~". Kris mentally sighed " YAY". The King was holding Kris's sword. Kris paled quickly, this was not good. The King stepped closer and closer. He drove the sword through Kris's chest, creating a huge bloody wound.

Kris cried " Ah! Stop!". The King cackled " STOP?!?" He laughed manically. Kris felt really scared. The King dropped the sword on the floor, it's metallic surface creating a loud Clang! on the floor. Kris bit his lip. He felt his soul beating fast, since it had returned to him.

The King stood above the cowering human. He grabbed Kris by the neck and held him in the air. He said " You know, young one, let me tell you something... STUPID HUMANS PISS ME OFF-".

The King was interrupted by a shout " Hey! That's my line!". Susie. Then a cry " Leave him alone!". Ralsei. Finally he saw a spade hit the King and knock him out. Lancer ordered the guards to lock him away under the underground.

Kris smiled through tears and pain. His friend hugged him and cried " Kris!". Susie asked " Are you alright? Are you hurt?". Kris lied through his teeth " N-no. I'm fi-". Kris suddenly felt dizzy as blood stained his clothes. He felt the darkness drown him. The last thing he was Ralsei screaming.

" KRIS?!?".

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