Chapter One - Unusual

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" Kris it's time to get up! Pies ready!".

His mother's words are loud and stern. Kris opened his eyes and forced himself up. It's another awful day, another day without Asriel and another day of possession.

The human boy sighs and puts on his shoes. Kris heads downstairs and sits at the small table. Toriel smiled at him and gave him some pie. Usually Kris would dig in, but today he felt so...unusual.

In fact, he was tired. Tired of the pain. Tired of school. Tired of missing Asriel. Tired of being sad. Tired of everything. Toriel noticed this and asked " My child, are you alright?". Kris nods and forced himself to eat and then he followed Toriel to the car.

They drive to school quickly, to avoid being late. Kris walks to the classroom and sits at a desk, waiting for class to begin. He's the only one there. Kris is extremely tired and falls asleep. He falls into a dream.

There is darkness. Nothing but darkness. Your the only light in the darkness. Your soul is the key to a better world. You are special. You are a hero. You are Kris. A human built to save the world. And so you must...

Kris woke up to find that class has started. He sits up and turns around. He sees Susie. Susie grins and waves, Kris waved back. Through all his suffering, Susie was the perfect person to make him smile.

Class is boring. Miss Alphys says " And the chemical reaction to this is the factor of this and that causes....". Kris loses focus and again falls asleep. He wakes up shortly after to Miss Alphys yelling " Kris! P-please see me after c-class"  . Kris mentally dies and forced a nod.

Some of the class snicker and eye him. Susie growls at them, defending the poor boy. The class jumped and turned back to the front. Kris smiled a thank you and turns back to listening. Soon enough, the bell rang. Kris met with the teacher. She said " Kris. You've been sleeping in class alot lately. Is everything alright?".

Kris held back the urge to cry and said " Y-yeah just tired". Miss Alphys sighs " Ok. Try get more sleep alright?". Kris agreed " Yes. I will". He left the classroom and found Susie. She said " Wanna go to the closet and see Ralsei and Lancer!". At the mention of the fluffy boy, Kris's eyes widen and he nods excited. Ralsei. He had to see him again.

Susie chuckled " You miss Ralsei huh?". Kris smiled, maybe Ralsei could make him feel happy. Kris was going through so much pain and sadness. Ralsei was his everything. Kris felt like a good person and he felt loved when he was around Ralsei.

The two walked to the closet and it got dark slowly. The two looked at each other and walked into the darkness. The door slam shut and once again, they fell into the dark, black abyss. But this time, they fell down in excitement and not fear for their lives.

Dark World

" Kris! Wake up ya damn small   human!".

Kris woke up and smiled " Woah chill Susie". Susie rolled her eyes and said " C'mon let's find Ralsei and Lancer". Kris and Susie quickly walked to Ralsei's castle and Susie screamed " Ralsei! Open up!". Ralsei heard and called back " Coming, give me a minute!". Seconds later, the door opened revealing Kris's crush, Ralsei and Lancer. Susie squealed " Lancer!". Lancer grinned " Susie!!". They hugged.

Kris looked at Ralsei and said " H-hi!". Ralsei chuckled " Hello Kris, how are you?". Kris replied " F-fine". Ralsei noticed his tone held some lies but he let the duo in. They sat down at his living room and chilled. Lancer asked " How's the light world?". Susie shrugged " School. Parents. Suck.". Kris nodded " It's...bad". Lancer groaned " Aww that's sad".

To lighten the mood, Ralsei declared " I'll bake you two a cake!". Susie grinned " HELL YEAH CAKE!". Kris just nodded, saying nothing. Ralsei started to worry about his behavior and said " Susie. Why don't you help?". Susie caught the message and went with the fluffy boy.

Kris and Lancer just waited. In the kitchen however, Ralsei told Susie " Kris. He isn't acting normal. He's talking less and he looks really sad". Susie nodded " Yeah. I didn't want to mention it though. He's acting fine but when I went to walk him home yesterday, I heard him crying or talking to himself. I swear, something isn't right".

Ralsei finished the cake and headed back to the living room. Kris was resting his head in his hands and sniffling could be heard. Susie called " Uh Kris?". Kris's head shot up and he stammered " O-oh hi S-susie and Ralsei!". Ralsei and Susie exchanged worried glances but said " Hi".

Susie started eating the cake with Lancer. Kris just sat down looking sad and in pain. Ralsei asked the blue boy " Don't you want some?". Kris shook his head and sighed " No I don't want anything". He added quietly " Except for her to leave me alone". Susie and Ralsei grew concerned. Was Kris even eating? He looked pale and even more upset than usual.

Kris got up and said " I'm going to the bathroom". Susie, Lancer and Ralsei said in unison " Ok Kris". Kris left and walked to the bathroom, not locking the door. He sat on the floor and cried " Go away Chara!". But Chara continued to pester and torture him.

Kris POV

"Aww Kris is someone sad?". I yelled " Why do you continue to control me and torture me? Why can't you just leave??". Chara chuckled " No one cares about you Kris. No one wants to see a puny human like you. Your useless. Your dumb. You should just kill yourself and save your ' friends ' from having to be with someone as purposeless as you!".

I cried " Fine! I will!". I took out a knife and slowly scratched it on my skin. It felt amazing. Pain to stop pain. I did it again. And again. And again. Soon enough, there were hundreds of bleeding wounds. Chara said " Now finish it off and die!". Kris stabbed himself in the chest and screamed as he bled like a bloody waterfall.

From the living room, the others heard Kris scream and rushed to the bathroom. Kris felt dizzy and the world was spinning. The last thing he heard was the sound of a head smacking onto the ground. Darkness had drowned Kris.

Susie banged on the door " Kris?". Silence. Lancer called " Kris??". Silence. Ralsei cried " Kris? Answer now!". More silence. Susie smashed the door down and the scene before then made them scream in unison

" Kris?!?!?!?".

There Kris was. Lying in the floor, drowned in blood. Susie screamed " What the fuck?". Ralsei knew what happened and cast a healing spell. Ralsei healed Kris. Lancer cried " What happened?". Susie explained and Lancer got scared. Ralsei managed to heal some of his wounds but the poor boy needed rest.

Susie carried him to a room where she laid Kris on a bed and the others gathered around on the floor, watching Kris. Susie turned to Ralsei " I knew something was up! But what is it? We need to help Kris!". Ralsei nodded " Yes Susie. But let him rest and heal".

Time passed and after a few hours, Kris began to wake up. He sat up and glanced at the scene around him
"G-guys?". Ralsei hugged Kris " I'm sorry Kris-". But he was cut off by Kris screaming " Don't hurt me again!". Kris ran off and hid in another room in Ralsei's house.

The trio searched everywhere. At last they found him in a guest room on the floor crying. Susie and the others entered the room and looked at the upset boy and said " Kris?"

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