Chapter Five - Fun Gang Reunites

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" Thanks so much guys!" Kris cried. His friends were trying their best to comfort the grieving boy. Ralsei made him a cake and Susie and Lancer were trying to be funny, and succeeding.

Ralsei smiled " Of course Kris. We know your going through a hard time. I can relate, my parents were killed during the war and that's why I was alone". Kris hugged Ralsei " I'm sorry".

They shared a quick kiss and Kris nuzzled his face in Ralsei's ever so soft fur. Kris whispered, muffled " So sooooffft". Everyone laughed. Ralsei smiled and said " Kris ". He didn't answer. " Kris? Hello?". Still nothing but the sound of slight snores. Susie grinned " Ha. He fell asleep". Lancer did his signature laugh " Now it's our turn to be the main people in this story".

Susie and Ralsei said " What? What story?". Lancer shook his head " Nevermind that". Susie shrugged " Whatever dude". Ralsei layed Kris on the couch. Susie smiled at the sleeping boy as the remaining trio went outside.

Lancer shouted suddenly " Let's play hide and seek!". Susie rolled her eyes " Fine, Spade boy. I'll co-". The buff girl was interrupted by a voice saying " I'll count". Lancer grinned " Alright Blue Boy, count to 10". Kris nodded, a little weary from sleeping but awake enough to count. He wasn't going to be alone, he needed his friends.

Susie, Ralsei and Lancer ran off to hide as Kris started counting. He began " 10....". He could hear the muffled sound of footsteps and whispers. " 9....". The wind blew Kris's hair revealing his crimson red eyes.

Kris sighed and continued " 8....". More footsteps could be heard as Kris said " 7....". Kris could hear giggling in the distance. He laughed himself, knowing it was Lancer. Kris said " 6....".

This time it was quiet and peaceful as he counted down. "5...4...3...2...1...0!". Kris finished counting and went across the town. He searched in many places, but the trio were nowhere to be seen. Then suddenly, Kris saw a shadow move from behind.

He called " H-hello? Susie? Ralsei? L-lancer?". Then it went really quiet " Guys! If this is a prank it's not fu-". Kris was cut off by someone grabbing him from behind and knocking him out. He let out an ear piercing scream before he lost conciousness.


Susie whisper to the others " Guys. Did you hear that scream. It sounded like Kris. Is he alright?". Ralsei looked worried " Let's go check!". The others nodded and exited their hiding place. They called Kris but the only answer given was the wind. Susie pointed to something nearby " Is that b-blood?".

Lancer cried " What if it's Kris's blood? What if someone hurt him? What if - ". Susie shouted, not trying to be rude " Let's not discuss the worst and let's look for our hero!". Ralsei nodded sternly as Lancer followed the duo.

Susie grew worried. Lancer too, but Ralsei, Kris's boyfriend, was really scared. He didn't want to lose his hero, the one who made him feel like he was worth it. Ralsei wiped tears from his eyes, not going unnoticed. Susie sighed, and hugged Ralsei, shocking the fluffy boy immensely. She said " Ralsei. It'll be ok. I promise we'll find him".

Ralsei smiled through falling tears and everyone shared a hug. They set off on the journey to find Kris. They wouldn't give up. Especially for Kris. Their hope, their hero, their leader.
Everyone was filled with newly found determination.


Kris woke up and the first thing he saw was him. He couldn't be it really was him again. He was aching and angry that his friends were nowhere to be seen.

But most of all the shock was unbelievable. It really was..................?

To be continued next chapter. Who could it be?

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