Chapter 8: The Dark Lord

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We both walked into the dark palace only to be confronted by guards. We defeated them with ease. Running past all of the defenses, we made our way to a lab. And there standing next to the 5 elementalists (in tubes)  was my father. He had a prostetic arm holding a scythe. Suddenly a ghastly force came over us as the voices started screaming again. It showed me another vision... an ice dragon, knives, and a huge creature. Suddenly the man turned around. "Why hello there Norka." "Father.. Why would you do such a thing?" I reply. "Oh this? this is my original purpose I am the lab scientist of this realm I will destroy all of humanity with my lord." We both armed ourselves ready for combat. It was cold and gloomy in the lab. Pipes dripping, and the tubes bubbling. The steady drip of the pipes upped the intensity of the match. drip...dripp....drip. Then we all dashed at eachother. "ENOUGH." we hear as a jolt of dark engery is sent our way. "You absolute imbecile you are supposed to be working on project 1CE. Now let me take care of these kids and the vessel go tame the dragon!" "yes master. see ya nerd." my father said as he then lept off into the underground portion of the lab. We looked to the figure. The light from the lab slowly lit and revealed who it was. It seemed to be a jester. "Ho ho ho boy this is going to be fun!" Now that I think about it my mom and uncle have told me a story about mom's adventure in a tower where they had to fight a jester. "Tee Hee LET THE GAMES BEGIN." I lept at him with my greatsword only for him to dissipate into a ton of knives. "Im over here idiots". He states. He then snaps his fingers summoning a couple rotations of knives. They all flew at us and circled back heavily scaring us. I tried to leap at him with an overhead strike but he protected himself with a shield of rotating knives. The voices started up again going louder then louder! Then suddenly they seemed to dissipate time was still moving but I was phasing through the knives. I walked out of the rotation and behind the jester. There I backstabbed him where I materialized again. Surprised he then seemed to create space in front of my stab. "Ho Ho a fisesty one I see." He then instantaneously healed his wounds. He then erased space in between us and draged me forward where he then proceded to pomel knives into me. "looks like its tome to get serious." Out of nowhere he summoned a scythe and formed a huge knife greatsword made of the other knives. He then started rotating rapidly where he then made a huge spiral which dashed at us. Suddenly the spinning jester split into two separate weapons then three then four. His defense was impenetrable. Takomi and I couldn't hold him off. Then the spinning tornados all split back into one and behind me and he prepared for a leaping slash. I turned around then realizing that my sword was pinned into the ground by knives. As I saw my inevitable death approaching me, Takomi then stepped in and blocked the strike with her spear. However the jester had enough time to change the direction of the strike slicing off Takomi's right arm. Deflecting a second strike she screamed in agony. I then deflected the rest of his strikes. Attempting to help Takomi with her wounds, the jester swung back for a side attack however just in the nick of time i saw a dark lightning bolt shoot across at the jester. It was Sora with mom and uncle. "No way is that?" mom asked. "yes it is you Devolin." Sora confirmed "I thought we killed him!" "No fools" Devolin laughed "You see I have ascended past that pathetic Ragor and Doom I was imortal until that stupid godess interfered with my fun." "Ethan go with the kids to go after the ice dragon Hikari and I will fight Devolin." "Gotcha." he said "cmon kids time to go" The three of us ran down the stairs as we saw the duo fight Devoin in the distance. 

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