Chapter 9: The Experiment

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The three of us ran after the shadowed man as we entered a huge room. In that room was a dragon in a test tube. "I don't have time for you  so ill just release this and you will all be dead." Pulling a lever he made a run for it into another lab room where the door was slamed and sealed shut. The dragon resonated with me which ment it contained the ice element. It then roared creating a shockwave of ice. Takomi ran at the dragon trying to comunicate with it however it was enraged and slashed at her. Luckily she dodged. We then decided we had no other choice but to fight it. Arming myself I slashed at its head only for it to bite my sword where it threw me at the vacant wall. Uncle Ethan lept at the beast with a phoenix punch at the dragon which drastically weakened the dragon. Takomi was in the back sending light blasts at the beast. Our attacks seemed ineffective however when the dragon started counterattacking using ice bullets and an ice earthquake. I summoned all the ice energy I could use and striked the dragon. However it blocked with its claw breaking my greatsword and it slashed my chest. Takomi rushed in worried. She tried to defend me with a light shield but the dragon broke through and slashed at her breaking her other arm. Ethan then started combing the dragon where it then turned into a ton of snowflakes and teleported behind me. Suddenly in my continuousness I heard the dragon's voice. "Child you are a noble warrior however you lack skills. I will test your will and soul I will follow you in a snowflake and if you fail you will have a harder time succeeding." I nodded my head in agreement it then turned into a snowflake and poped in what was left in my sword. Looking around at the wounded group I saw Takomi looking hazy she then fainted in my arms. Uncle Ethan and I rushed to the rest of them to see that mom was wounded. And there was Sora standing in front of the godlike Devolin. Knives were scattered everywhere. I saw Sora then teleport behind him and backstab Devolin. "You have lost Devolin give it up." Suddenly a great tremmor shook the ground of the abyss. The voices started rushing in again. It was my father half human half dark creature. "This is our power." "We will make the Earth explode... we will destroy everything." My father then threw a dark orb at what looked like the lab's reactor. Setting off a chain reaction explosion that would destroy this part of the abyss. Sora then created a portal for all of us where we escaped to the new palace. Finally the voices slowly stoped. The palace was quickly recreated using the void energy of the earth. We took everyone to the medical room. There I placed Takomi on the medical bed. I was deeply worried about her but my wounds needed to be healed as well so I hoped in the medical be next to Takomi's. I just hoped she would be okay.

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