Chapter 5: The Elementalists

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I woke up to find myself in the palace of the abyss yet again. This "insanity" of mine has gone too far. Then the abyss king walked up to me and snapped his fingers. Suddenly the voices were more quiet. He then took me aside and said "Listen kid I haven't your mother or uncle this yet but they are after you because you are one of the only ice elemental users alive." "Why don't they just find someone else?" I ask. "Well because your mother has a history of being strong and there is this prophecy that one child shall rise with an iceblooded sword." "And considering that your family has no history of the ice element you would be that special child." "Why would they be after an ice element user?" "Its their war plan. Their leader wants to seal the 6 beasts of the gods into their respective welders in order to win this war." Suddenly I had another vision. There were 5 shadowed figures each with an elemental trait where they then transformed into 5 different beasts. A Lava Serpent, a Water Mouse, an Earth Eagle, an electric lion, and a wind wolf. There I then looked to my right to see a dark figure with a smile. They summoned a sword and slashed at me. Suddenly when I regained contiosness I saw the king worried there is no time you must leave here... now you must let me deal with the dark lord. He then snapped his fingers summoning uncle and mom to the room. "Its been nice to see all of you but it is no longer safe here they have found you Norka." He then summons 5 orbs to create a portal out of the abyss. "Go now and Norka stay safe." "What about you?" I exclaimed. "Ill hold them off as best as I can whats important is that you get to safety." "GO HURRY THERE HERE" We all lept through the portal. I looked back and saw the abyss king.. no Sora smiling back at me giving me a thumbs up as I heard 5 roars, the palace collapsing, and the portal closed. I then turn around. "Hello there Norka." I quickly slash at the foe watching him dodge with a water like dash. "You ok?" I hear mom and uncle say. It was the water elementalst and they ment bisniues. He man then summoned a hammer and then used his water to slam at us creating a tidal wave. Washing it off I then summon a hailstorm which is blocked by a water sheild. Where he then sprays the cold water  back into my eyes temporarly blinding me. My mom then pelted the guy with steam however the water fused with the heat of the steam making tiny clouds making her attacks inefective. My uncle tried punching the guy but after a few inefective punches his lash and gauntlet were doused by the water. Bored, the guy transformed into the water mouse. We all knew we were in trouble. The mouse then summoned a huge jet stream that seperated me from my mom and uncle. "DONT WORY WEIL WILL CATCH UP TO YOU WE WILL FIGURE SOEMTHING OUT WORST CASE MEET BACK AT THE SPIRE." their voices then faded away as I then drifted off into the jet stream too. I knew where the spire was but first I had to take care of this mouse. This was cat and mouse. Except the mouse was the cat and I was the mouse. I tried to take down the mouse with ice  crystals but it did not work. The mouse then raised the tide sinking me below. I had no other option but to encase myself in ice so I would not drown. Sadly I was already running out of oxygen so I closed my eyes and prayed that they would think im dead. A couple hours later I felt the man poking the cage of the ice. I just laid there still. I then hear chatter. "You utter imbicile you killed him you idiot!' "I didn't kill him I swear he killed himself hes still alive I think!" I then felt an electric jolt touch the water. Good thing the ice acted as an insulator (the ice was clear by the way so they could not see the ice) "See idiot, hes dead." "Whell boss woudn't mind this means we are just strong ourselves." "Ugg fine lets report back with the group." I then hear them dash off into the distance. However the water did not fall I started to run out of oxygen in my ice sheild. and eventualy I fell asleep due to the lack of oxygen. Uncontious I felt my body being moved somewhere I  just had to pray that it wasnt the dark lord.

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